Complete scientific publication list

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Prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D.
Faculty of Informatics MU Brno, CZ

All scientific papers by Petr Hliněný

  1. 2024 (co-author L. Khazaliya):   Crossing Number is NP-hard for Constant Path-width (and Tree-width).  Submitted (2024), 17 p.   URL:
  2. 2023 (co-author J. Jedelský):   Twin-width of Planar Graphs is at most 8, and some Related Bounds.  Submitted (2023), 41 p.   URL:
  3. 2023 (co-authors J. Bok, J. Fiala, N. Jedličková, J. Kratochvíl):   Computational Complexity of Covering Two-vertex Multigraphs with Semi-edges.  Submitted (2023), 28 p.   URL:
  4. 2023 (co-authors M. Bekos, G. Da Lozzo, M. Kaufmann):   Graph Product Structure for h-Framed Graphs.  Submitted (2023), 26 p.   URL:
  5. 2023:   Complexity of Anchored Crossing Number and Crossing Number of Almost Planar Graphs.  Submitted (2023), 18 p.   URL:
  6. 2022 (co-author M. Korbela):   On 13-Crossing-Critical Graphs with Arbitrarily Large Degrees.  Submitted (2022), 15 p.   URL:
  7. 2020 (co-authors O. Cagirici, S.K. Ghosh, B. Roy):   On conflict-free chromatic guarding of simple polygons.  Submitted (2020), 26 p.   URL:
  8. 2024 (co-author L. Kodmon):   Note on Min-k-Planar Drawings of Graphs.  In: Graph Drawing (2024), to appear.   URL:
  9. 2024:   Twin-width of Planar Graphs; a Short Proof.  European J. Combinatorics (2024), to appear.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2024.104036.
  10. 2024 (co-author J. Jedelský):   H-Clique-Width and a Hereditary Analogue of Product Structure.  In: MFCS (2024), to appear.   URL:
  11. 2024 (co-authors J. Balabán, J. Jedelský):   Twin-width and Transductions of Proper k-Mixed-Thin Graphs.  Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024), 113876.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.disc.2024.113876.
  12. 2024 (co-authors O. Cagirici, B. Roy):   On Colourability of Polygon Visibility Graphs.  European J. Combinatorics 117 (2024), 103820.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2023.103820.
  13. 2023 (co-author T. Masařík):   Minimizing an Uncrossed Collection of Drawings.  In: Graph Drawing 2023, ProceedingsLecture Notes in Computer Science 14465, Springer (2023), 110--123.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-49272-3_8.
  14. 2023 (co-authors B. Bergougnoux, J. Gajarský, G. Guspiel, F. Pokrývka, M. Sokolowski):   Sparse Graphs of Twin-width 2 Have Bounded Tree-width.  In: ISAAC 2023, LIPiCS Vol. 283, Dagstuhl (2023), 11:1--11:13.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.ISAAC.2023.11.
  15. 2023 (co-authors D. Agaoglu Cagirici, O. Cagirici, J. Derbisz, T.A. Hartmann, J. Kratochvíl, T. Krawczyk, P. Zeman):   Recognizing H-Graphs - Beyond Circular-Arc Graphs.  In: MFCS 2023, LIPiCS Vol. 272, Dagstuhl (2023), 8:1--8:14.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2023.8.
  16. 2023 (co-author A. Straka):   Stack and Queue Numbers of Graphs Revisited.  In: Eurocomb'23, Proceedings, Masaryk University Press (2023), 601--606.   URL: DOI 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.EUROCOMB23-083.
  17. 2023:   Twin-width of Planar Graphs; a Short Proof.  In: Eurocomb'23, Proceedings, Masaryk University Press (2023), 595--600.   URL: DOI 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.EUROCOMB23-082.
  18. 2023 (co-author M. Chimani):   Inserting Multiple Edges into a Planar Graph.  Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 27 (2023), 489--522.   URL: DOI 10.7155/jgaa.00631.
  19. 2023 (co-author J. Jedelský):   Twin-width of Planar Graphs is at most 8, and at most 6 when Bipartite Planar.  In: ICALP 2023, LIPiCS Vol. 261, Dagstuhl (2023), 75:1--75:18.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2023.75.
  20. 2023 (co-author D. Agaoglu Cagirici):   Efficient Isomorphism for Sd-graphs and T-graphs.  Algorithmica 85 (2023), 352--383.   URL: DOI 10.1007/s00453-022-01033-8.
  21. 2023 (co-authors O. Cagirici, F. Pokrývka, A. Sankaran):   Clique-Width of Point Configurations.  J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 158 (2023), 43--73.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2021.09.001.
  22. 2022 (co-authors D. Bokal, Z. Dvořák, J. Leanos, B. Mohar, T. Wiedera):   Bounded degree conjecture holds precisely for c-crossing-critical graphs with c <= 12.  Combinatorica 42 (2022), 701--728.   URL: DOI 10.1007/s00493-021-4285-3.
  23. 2022 (co-authors M. Bekos, G. Da Lozzo, M. Kaufmann):   Graph Product Structure for h-Framed Graphs.  In: ISAAC 2022, LIPIcs Vol. 248, Dagstuhl (2022), 23:1--23:15.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.ISAAC.2022.23.
  24. 2022 (co-authors J. Balabán, J. Jedelský):   Twin-width and Transductions of Proper k-Mixed-Thin Graphs.  In: Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13453, Springer (2022), 43--55.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-15914-5_4.
  25. 2022 (co-author T. Hamm):   Parameterised Partially-Predrawn Crossing Number.  In: 38th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2022), LIPIcs Vol. 224, Dagstuhl (2022), 46:1--46:15.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2022.46.
  26. 2022 (co-author D. Agaoglu):   Isomorphism Testing for T-graphs in FPT.  In: WALCOM 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13174, Springer (2022), 239--250.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-96731-4_20.
  27. 2021 (co-author J. Balabán):   Twin-Width is Linear in the Poset Width.  In: IPEC 2021, LIPIcs Vol. 214, Dagstuhl (2021), 6:1--6:13.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.IPEC.2021.6.
  28. 2021 (co-authors J. Bok, J. Fiala, N. Jedličková, J. Kratochvíl):   Computational Complexity of Covering Two-vertex Multigraphs with Semi-edges.  In: Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2021, LIPiCS Vol. 202, Dagstuhl (2021), 21:1--21:15.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2021.21.
  29. 2021 (co-author M. Korbela):   On 13-Crossing-Critical Graphs with Arbitrarily Large Degrees.  In: Extended Abstracts EuroComb 2021, Trends in Mathematics, Springer (2021), 50--56.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-83823-2_9.
  30. 2021:   A Short Proof of Euler--Poincaré Formula.  In: Extended Abstracts EuroComb 2021, Trends in Mathematics, Springer (2021), 92--96.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-83823-2_15.
  31. 2020 (co-authors O. Cagirici, F. Pokrývka, A. Sankaran):   Clique-Width of Point Configurations.  In: Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12301, Springer (2020), 54--66.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-60440-0_5.
  32. 2020 (co-authors J. Gajarský, D. Lokshtanov, J. Obdržálek, M.S. Ramanujan):   A New Perspective on FO Model Checking of Dense Graph Classes.  ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 21 (2020), #28.   URL: DOI 10.1145/3383206.
  33. 2020 (co-author D. Agaoglu):   Isomorphism Problem for Sd-graphs.  In: Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2020, LIPiCS Vol. 170, Dagstuhl (2020), 4:1--4:14.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2020.4.
  34. 2020 (co-authors M. Chimani, G. Salazar):   Toroidal Grid Minors and Stretch in Embedded Graphs.  J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 140 (2020), 323--371.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2019.05.009. © Elsevier B.V.
  35. 2019 (co-authors O. Cagirici, S.K. Ghosh, B. Roy):   On conflict-free chromatic guarding of simple polygons.  In: COCOA 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11949, Springer (2019), 601--612.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-36412-0_49.
  36. 2019 (co-authors R. Vodák, M. Bíl, T. Svoboda, Z. Křivánková, J. Kubeček, T. Rebok):   A deterministic approach for rapid identification of the critical links in networks.  PLOS ONE 14(7) (2019), e0219658.   DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0219658.
  37. 2019 (co-author A. Sankaran):   Exact Crossing Number Parameterized by Vertex Cover.  In: Graph Drawing 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11904, Springer (2019), 307--319.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-35802-0_24.
  38. 2019 (co-author M. Korbela):   On the achievable average degrees in 2-crossing-critical graphs.  In: Eurocomb 2019, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88(3) (2019), 787-793.   URL:
  39. 2019 (co-authors D. Bokal, Z. Dvořák, J. Leanos, B. Mohar, T. Wiedera):   Bounded degree conjecture holds precisely for c-crossing-critical graphs with c <= 12.  In: SoCG 2019, LIPIcs vol. 129, Dagstuhl (2019), 14:1--14:15.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2019.14.
  40. 2019 (co-authors M.Bračič, D. Bokal, M. Derňár):   On Degree Properties of Crossing-critical Families of Graphs.  Electr. Journal of Combinatorics 26 (2019), #P1.53.   URL: DOI 10.37236/7753.
  41. 2019 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Nešetřil, J. Obdržálek, P. Ossona de Mendez):   Shrub-depth: Capturing Height of Dense Graphs.  Logical Methods in Computer Science 15 (2019), 7:1--7:25.   URL: DOI 10.23638/LMCS-15(1:7)2019.
  42. 2019 (co-authors F. Pokrývka, B. Roy):   FO model checking of geometric graphs.  Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 78 (2019), 1--19.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.comgeo.2018.10.001. © Elsevier B.V.
  43. 2019 (co-authors J. Gajarský, M. Koutecký, S. Onn):   Parameterized Shifted Combinatorial Optimization.  Journal of Computer and System Sciences 99 (2019), 53--71.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.jcss.2018.06.002. © Elsevier B.V.
  44. 2018 (co-authors J. Gajarský, H.R. Tiwary):   Parameterized Extension Complexity of Independent Set and Related Problems.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 248 (2018), 56--67.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2017.04.042. © Elsevier B.V.
  45. 2018 (co-author C. Thomassen):   Deciding Parity of Graph Crossing Number.  SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 32-3 (2018), 1962--1965.   DOI 10.1137/17M1137231. © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Preprint/file.
  46. 2018:   Simpler Self-reduction Algorithm for Matroid Path-width.  SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 32-2 (2018), 1425-1440.   URL: DOI 10.1137/17M1120129. © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
  47. 2018 (co-authors Z. Dvořák, B. Mohar):   Structure and generation of crossing-critical graphs.  In: SoCG 2018, LIPIcs Vol. 99, Dagstuhl (2018), 33:1--33:14.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2018.33.
  48. 2018 (co-authors F. Pokrývka, B. Roy):   FO model checking of geometric graphs.  In: IPEC 2017, LIPIcs Vol. 89, Dagstuhl (2018), 19:1--19:12.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.IPEC.2017.19.
  49. 2018 (co-authors O. Cagirici, B. Roy):   On Colourability of Polygon Visibility Graphs.  In: FSTTCS 2017, LIPIcs Vol. 93, Dagstuhl (2018), 21:1--21:14.   DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2017.21.
  50. 2017 (co-authors J. Gajarský, M. Koutecký, S. Onn):   Parameterized Shifted Combinatorial Optimization.  In: COCOON 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10392, Springer (2017), 224--236.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-62389-4_19. © Springer-Verlag.
  51. 2017 (co-authors J. Gajarský, T. Kaiser, D. Král', M. Kupec, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak, V. Tuma):   First order limits of sparse graphs: Plane trees and path-width.  Random Structures & Algorithms 50 (2017), 612--635.   URL: DOI 10.1002/rsa.20676. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  52. 2017 (co-author M. Chimani):   A Tighter Insertion-based Approximation of the Crossing Number.  Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 33 (2017), 1183--1225.   URL: DOI 10.1007/s10878-016-0030-z. © Elsevier B.V.
  53. 2017 (co-authors J. Gajarský, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak, F. Reidl, P. Rossmanith, F. Sánchez Villaamil, S. Sikdar):   Kernelization Using Structural Parameters on Sparse Graph Classes.  Journal of Computer and System Sciences 84 (2017), 219--242.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.jcss.2016.09.002. © Elsevier B.V.
  54. 2016 (co-authors J. Gajarský, D. Lokshtanov, J. Obdržálek, M.S. Ramanujan):   A New Perspective on FO Model Checking of Dense Graph Classes.  In: LICS 2016, ACM (2016), 176--184.   DOI 10.1145/2933575.2935314. Preprint/file.
  55. 2016 (co-authors O. Kwon, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak):   Tree-depth and Vertex-minors.  European J. Combinatorics 56 (2016), 46--56.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2016.03.001. © Elsevier B.V.
  56. 2016 (co-author M. Derňár):   Crossing Number is Hard for Kernelization.  In: SoCG 2016, LIPIcs Vol. 51, Dagstuhl (2016), 42:1--42:10.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2016.42.
  57. 2016 (co-author M. Chimani):   Inserting Multiple Edges into a Planar Graph.  In: SoCG 2016, LIPIcs Vol. 51, Dagstuhl (2016), 30:1--30:15.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2016.30.
  58. 2016 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Kneis, D. Meister, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith, S. Sikdar):   Are there any good digraph width measures?.  J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 116 (2016), 250--286.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2015.09.001. © Elsevier B.V.
  59. 2016 (co-author O. Slámečka):   Practical Exhaustive Generation of Small Multiway Cuts in Sparse Graphs.  In: MEMICS 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9548, Springer (2016), 75--86.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29817-7_6. © Springer-Verlag.
  60. 2015 (co-authors M.Bračič, D. Bokal, M. Derňár):   On Degree Properties of Crossing-critical Families of Graphs.  In: Graph Drawing 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9411, Springer (2015), 75--86.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-27261-0_7. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  61. 2015 (co-authors J. Gajarský, D. Lokshtanov, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak, M.S. Ramanujan, S. Saurabh):   FO Model Checking on Posets of Bounded Width.  In: IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS 2015, IEEE (2015), 963--974.   URL: DOI 10.1109/FOCS.2015.63.
  62. 2015 (co-authors R. Ganian, D. Král', J. Obdržálek, J. Schwartz, J. Teska):   FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs.  Logical Methods in Computer Science 11(4) (2015), paper 11.   URL: DOI 10.2168/LMCS-11(4:11)2015.
  63. 2015 (co-authors J. Gajarský, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak):   Faster Existential FO Model Checking on Posets.  Logical Methods in Computer Science 11(4) (2015), paper 8.   URL: DOI 10.2168/LMCS-11(4:8)2015.
  64. 2015 (co-author G. Salazar):   On Hardness of the Joint Crossing Number.  In: ISAAC 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9472, Springer (2015), 603--613.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-48971-0_51. © Springer-Verlag.
  65. 2015 (co-author J. Gajarský):   Kernelizing MSO Properties of Trees of Fixed Height, and Some Consequences.  Logical Methods in Computer Science 11(1) (2015), paper 19.   URL: DOI 10.2168/LMCS-11(1:19)2015.
  66. 2015 (co-author M. Derka):   Planar Emulators Conjecture Is Nearly True for Cubic Graphs.  European J. Combinatorics 48 (2015), 63--70.   DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2015.02.009. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  67. 2014 (co-authors J. Gajarský, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak):   Faster Existential FO Model Checking on Posets.  In: ISAAC 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8889, Springer (2014), 441--451.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-13075-0_35. © Springer-Verlag.
  68. 2014 (co-authors S. Cabello, M. Chimani):   Computing the stretch of an embedded graph.  SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 28 (2014), 1391--1401.   URL: DOI 10.1137/130945636. © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
  69. 2014 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Kneis, A. Langer, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith):   Digraph Width Measures in Parameterized Algorithmics.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 168 (2014), 88--107.   DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2013.10.038. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  70. 2014 (co-authors R. Ganian, A. Langer, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith, S. Sikdar):   Lower Bounds on the Complexity of MSO1 Model-Checking.  Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80 (2014), 180--194.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.jcss.2013.07.005. © Elsevier B.V.
  71. 2013 (co-authors J. Gajarský, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak, F. Reidl, P. Rossmanith, F. Sánchez Villaamil, S. Sikdar):   Kernelization Using Structural Parameters on Sparse Graph Classes.  In: ESA 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8125, Springer (2013), 529--540.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-40450-4_45. © Springer-Verlag.
  72. 2013 (co-author M. Derka):   Planar Emulators Conjecture Is Nearly True for Cubic Graphs.  In: Eurocomb 2013, Pisa Italy, Proceedings (2013), 245--250.   Preprint/file.
  73. 2013 (co-authors S. Cabello, M. Chimani):   Computing the stretch of an embedded graph.  In: XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry 2013, Seville Spain, Proceedings (2013), 39--42.   URL:
  74. 2013 (co-authors R. Ganian, D. Král', J. Obdržálek, J. Schwartz, J. Teska):   FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs.  In: ICALP 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7966, Springer (2013), 250--262.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-39212-2_24. © Springer-Verlag.
  75. 2013 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Obdržálek):   Better algorithms for satisfiability problems for formulas of bounded rank-width.  Fundamenta Informaticae 123 (2013), 59--76.   URL: DOI 10.3233/FI-2013-800.
  76. 2013 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Obdržálek):   Unified Approach to Polynomial Algorithms on Graphs of Bounded (bi-)Rank-width.  European J. Combinatorics 34 (2013), 680--701.   DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2012.07.024. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  77. 2013 (co-authors M. Chimani, M. Derka, M. Klusáček):   How Not to Characterize Planar-emulable Graphs.  Advances in Applied Mathematics 50 (2013), 46--68.   URL: DOI 10.1016/j.aam.2012.06.004. © Elsevier B.V. Addendum.
  78. 2012 (co-author J. Gajarský):   Faster Deciding MSO Properties of Trees of Fixed Height, and Some Consequences.  In: FSTTCS 2012, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics LIPIcs, Vol. 18, Dagstuhl (2012), 112--123.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2012.112.
  79. 2012 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Nešetřil, J. Obdržálek, P. Ossona de Mendez, R. Ramadurai):   When Trees Grow Low: Shrubs and Fast MSO1.  In: Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7464, Springer (2012), 419--430.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-32589-2_38. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  80. 2012 (co-author O. Moriš):   Generalized Maneuvers in Route Planning.  Computing and Informatics 31 (2012), 531--549.   URL:
  81. 2012 (co-authors R. Ganian, A. Langer, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith, S. Sikdar):   Lower Bounds on the Complexity of MSO1 Model-Checking.  In: Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science STACS 2012, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics LIPIcs Vol 14, Dagstuhl (2012), 326--337.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2012.326.
  82. 2012 (co-author O. Moriš):   Generalized Maneuvers in Route Planning.  In: MEMICS 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7119, Springer (2012), 155--166.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-25929-6_15. © Springer-Verlag.
  83. 2012 (co-authors M. Chimani, P. Mutzel):   Vertex Insertion approximates the Crossing Number for Apex Graphs.  European J. Combinatorics 33 (2012), 326--335.   DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2011.09.009. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  84. 2011 (co-authors M. Chimani, M. Derka, M. Klusáček):   How Not to Characterize Planar-emulable Graphs.  In: IWOCA 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7056, Springer (2011), 106--120.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-25011-8_9. © Springer-Verlag.
  85. 2011 (co-author O. Moriš):   Scope-based route planning.  In: ESA 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6942, Springer (2011), 445--456.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-23719-5_38. © Springer-Verlag.
  86. 2011 (co-authors E. Jelínková, J. Kratochvíl, O. Suchý):   Parameterized Problems Related to Seidel's Switching.  Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 13 (2011), 19--44.   URL:
  87. 2011 (co-author M. Chimani):   A Tighter Insertion-based Approximation of the Crossing Number.  In: ICALP 2011, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6755, Springer (2011), 122--134.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-22006-7_11. © Springer-Verlag.
  88. 2011 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Obdržálek):   Clique-width: When Hard Does Not Mean Impossible.  In: Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science STACS 2011, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics LIPIcs Vol 9, Dagstuhl (2011), 404--415.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2011.404.
  89. 2010 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Obdržálek):   Better algorithms for satisfiability problems for formulas of bounded rank-width.  In: FSTTCS 2010, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics LIPIcs, Vol. 8, Dagstuhl (2010), 73--83.   URL: DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2010.73.
  90. 2010 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Kneis, D. Meister, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith, S. Sikdar):   Are there any good digraph width measures?.  In: IPEC 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6478, Springer Verlag (2010), 135-146.   URL: DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17493-3_14. © Springer-Verlag.
  91. 2010:   20 Years of Negami's Planar Cover Conjecture.  Graphs and Combinatorics 26 (2010), 525--536.   DOI 10.1007/s00373-010-0934-9. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file. Addendum.
  92. 2010 (co-author G. Salazar):   Stars and Bonds in Crossing-Critical Graphs.  Journal of Graph Theory 65 (2010), 198--215.   DOI 10.1002/jgt.20473. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Preprint/file.
  93. 2010 (co-author R. Ganian):   On Parse Trees and Myhill--Nerode--type Tools for handling Graphs of Bounded Rank-width.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 158 (2010), 851--867.   DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2009.10.018. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  94. 2010 (co-author R. Ganian):   New results on the complexity of oriented colouring on restricted digraph classes.  In: SOFSEM 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5901 (2010), 428--439.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-11266-9_36. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  95. 2010 (co-author M. Chimani):   Approximating the Crossing Number of Graphs Embeddable in Any Orientable Surface.  In: Symposium on Discrete Algorithms SODA 2010, ACM--SIAM (2010), 918--927.   URL: © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Preprint/file.
  96. 2009 (co-authors R. Ganian, J. Kneis, A. Langer, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith):   On Digraph Width Measures in Parameterized Algorithmics (extended abstract).  In: IWPEC 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5917, Springer (2009), 185--197.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-11269-0_15. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  97. 2009 (co-author R. Ganian):   Better Polynomial Algorithms on Graphs of Bounded Rank-width.  In: IWOCA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5874, Springer (2009), 266--277.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10217-2_27. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  98. 2009 (co-author G. Whittle):   Addendum to Matroid Tree-Width.  European J. Combinatorics 30 (2009), 1036--1044.   DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2008.09.028. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  99. 2009 (co-authors M. Chimani, P. Mutzel):   Approximating the Crossing Number of Apex Graphs.  In: Graph Drawing 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5417, Springer Verlag (2009), 432--434.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-00219-9_42. © Springer-Verlag.
  100. 2008:   New infinite families of almost-planar crossing-critical graphs.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 15 (2008), #R102.   URL:
  101. 2008 (co-author R. Ganian):   Automata Approach to Graphs of Bounded Rank-width.  In: IWOCA 2008, Proceedings, 4--15.   Preprint/file.
  102. 2008 (co-author S. Oum):   Finding Branch-decompositions and Rank-decompositions.  SIAM J. Computing 38 (2008), 1012--1032.   DOI 10.1137/070685920. © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Preprint/file.
  103. 2008 (co-authors I. Gitler, J. Leanos, G. Salazar):   The crossing number of a projective graph is quadratic in the face--width.  Electr. Journal of Combinatorics 15 (2008),, #R46.   URL:
  104. 2008 (co-author G. Salazar):   Stars and Bonds in Crossing-Critical Graphs (extended abstract).  In: TGGT 2008 (Paris), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31, Elsevier (2008), 271--275.   DOI 10.1016/j.endm.2008.06.055. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  105. 2008 (co-authors G. Gottlob, S. Oum, D. Seese):   Width Parameters Beyond Tree-width and Their Applications.  Invited survey paper, Computer Journal 51 (2008), 326--362.   DOI 10.1093/comjnl/bxm052. © Oxford University Press. Preprint/file.
  106. 2007 (co-author G. Salazar):   Approximating the Crossing Number of Toroidal Graphs.  In: ISAAC 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4835, Springer Verlag (2007), 148--159.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-77120-3_15. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  107. 2007:   Combinatorial Generation of Matroid Representations: Theory and Practice.  In: Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Applied Computing Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, December 10--12, 2005, Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: Reports and Monographs -- Vol. 2, Imperial College Press, 2007, 3--7.
  108. 2007 (co-author S. Oum):   Finding branch-decompositions and rank-decompositions (extended abstract).  In: ESA 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4698, Springer Verlag (2007), 163--174.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-75520-3_16. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  109. 2007 (co-authors I. Gitler, J. Leanos, G. Salazar):   The crossing number of a projective graph is quadratic in the face--width (extended abstract).  In: EUROCOMB 2007, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29C, Elsevier (2007), 219--223.   DOI 10.1016/j.endm.2007.07.037. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  110. 2007:   Some Hard Problems on Matroid Spikes.  Theory of Computing Systems 41 (2007), 551--562.   DOI 10.1007/s00224-007-1307-5. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  111. 2007 (co-author G. Salazar):   On the Crossing Number of Almost Planar Graphs.  In: Graph Drawing GD 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4372, Springer Verlag (2007), 162--173.   DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-70904-6_17. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  112. 2006 (co-authors O. Gimenez, M. Noy):   Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width.  SIAM J. Discrete Math 20 (2006), 932--946.   DOI 10.1137/050645208. © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Preprint/file.
  113. 2006 (co-author G. Whittle):   Matroid Tree-Width.  European J. Combinatorics 27 (2006), 1117--1128.   DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2006.06.005. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file. Addendum.
  114. 2006:   On Matroid Representability and Minor Problems.  In: Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4162, Springer Verlag (2006), 505--516.   DOI 10.1007/11821069_44. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  115. 2006 (co-authors L.A. Goddyn, W. Hochstattler):   Balanced Signings and the Chromatic Number of Oriented Matroids.  Combinatorics Probability Computing 15 (2006), 523--539.   DOI 10.1017/S096354830500742X. © Cambridge University Press. Preprint/file.
  116. 2006:   The Tutte Polynomial for Matroids of Bounded Branch-Width.  Combinatorics Probability Computing 15 (2006), 397--409.   DOI 10.1017/S0963548305007297. © Cambridge University Press. Preprint/file.
  117. 2006:   Crossing Number is Hard for Cubic Graphs.  J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 96 (2006), 455--471.   DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2005.09.009. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  118. 2006:   Branch-Width, Parse Trees, and Monadic Second-Order Logic for Matroids.  J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 96 (2006), 325--351.   DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2005.08.005. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  119. 2006:   Equivalence-free exhaustive generation of matroid representations.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (2006), 1210--1222.   DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2005.12.001. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  120. 2006 (co-author D. Seese):   Trees, Grids, and MSO Decidability: from Graphs to Matroids.  Theor. Computer Science 351 (2006), 372-393.   DOI 10.1016/j.tcs.2005.10.006. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  121. 2005:   Combinatorial Generation of Matroid Representations: Theory and Practice.  Acta Math. Univ. M. Belii 12 (2005), 31--41.   URL:
  122. 2005 (co-authors O. Gimenez, M. Noy):   Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width (extended abstract).  In: Proceedings WG 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3787, Springer Verlag (2005), 59--68.   DOI 10.1007/11604686_6. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  123. 2005:   A Parametrized Algorithm for Matroid Branch-Width.  SIAM J. Computing 35 (2005), 259--277.   DOI 10.1137/S0097539702418589. © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Preprint/file.
  124. 2005 (co-authors J.F. Geelen, G. Whittle):   Bridging Separations in Matroids.  SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics 18 (2005), 638--646.   DOI 10.1137/S089548010139638X. © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
  125. 2004:   Using a Computer in Matroid Theory Research.  Acta Math. Univ. M. Belii 11 (2004), 27--44.   URL:
  126. 2004 (co-author D. Seese):   On Decidability of MSO Theories of Representable Matroids.  In: IWPEC 2004 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3162, Springer Verlag (2004), 96--107.   DOI 10.1007/b100584. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  127. 2004:   Crossing Number is Hard for Cubic Graphs (extended abstract).  In: Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3153, Springer Verlag (2004), 772--782.   DOI 10.1007/b99679. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  128. 2004 (co-author R. Thomas):   On possible counterexamples to Negami's planar cover conjecture.  Journal of Graph Theory 46 (2004), 183--206.   DOI 10.1002/jgt.10177. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Preprint/file. Addendum.
  129. 2003:   A new Proof for Chordal Graphs.  Acta Math. Univ. M. Belii 10 (2003), 17--19.   URL:
  130. 2003:   On Matroid Properties Definable in the MSO Logic.  In: Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2747, Springer Verlag (2003), 470--479.   DOI 10.1007/b11836. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  131. 2003:   Crossing-Number Critical Graphs have Bounded Path-Width.  J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 88 (2003), 347--367.   DOI 10.1016/S0095-8956(03)00037-6. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  132. 2003:   Branch-Width, Parse Trees, and Monadic Second-Order Logic for Matroids (extended Abstract).  In: Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science STACS 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2607, Springer Verlag (2003), 319--330.   DOI 10.1007/3-540-36494-3_29. © Springer-Verlag.
  133. 2003 (co-author G. Whittle):   Tree-Width and Matroids (extended abstract).  In: EUROCOMB 2003, ITI Series 2003--145, MFF Charles University, Prague (2003), 5 p.   URL:
  134. 2002:   On the Excluded Minors for Matroids of Branch-Width Three.  Electr. Journal of Combinatorics 9 (2002),, #R32.   URL:
  135. 2002:   Crossing-Critical Graphs and Path-Width.  In: Graph Drawing GD 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2265, Springer Verlag (2002), 102--114.   DOI 10.1007/3-540-45848-4_9. © Springer-Verlag.
  136. 2001:   Another two graphs with no planar covers.  Journal of Graph Theory 37 (2001), 227--242.   DOI 10.1002/jgt.1018. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Preprint/file.
  137. 2001:   An Addition to Art Galleries with Interior Walls.  Discrete Computational Geometry 25 (2001), 311--314.   DOI 10.1007/s004540010078.
  138. 2001:   Contact graphs of line segments are NP-complete.  Discrete Mathematics 235 (2001), 95--106.   DOI 10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00263-6. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  139. 2001 (co-author J. Kratochvíl):   Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition complexity results).  Discrete Mathematics 229 (2001), 101--124.   DOI 10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00204-1. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  140. 1999:   A note on possible extensions of Negami's conjecture.  Journal of Graph Theory 32 (1999), 234--240.   DOI 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0118(199911)32:3%3C234::AID-JGT3%3E3.3.CO;2-E. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Preprint/file.
  141. 1998:   Classes and recognition of curve contact graphs.  J. of Combinatorial Theory ser. B 74 (1998), 87--103.   DOI 10.1006/jctb.1998.1846. © Elsevier B.V. Preprint/file.
  142. 1998:   K4,4 -e has no finite planar cover.  Journal of Graph Theory 27 (1998), 51--60.   DOI 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0118(199801)27:1%3C51::AID-JGT8%3E3.3.CO;2-S. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Preprint/file.
  143. 1998:   The maximal clique and colourability of curve contact graphs.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 81 (1998), 59--68.   DOI 10.1016/S0166-218X(97)00075-9. © Elsevier B.V.
  144. 1997:   Touching graphs of unit balls.  In: Graph Drawing GD '97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1353, Springer Verlag (1997), 350--358.   DOI 10.1007/3-540-63938-1_80. © Springer-Verlag. Preprint/file.
  145. 1997 (co-author J. Kratochvíl):   Computational complexity of the Krausz dimension of graphs.  In: Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science WG '97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1335, Springer Verlag (1997), 214--228.   DOI 10.1007/BFb0024500. © Springer-Verlag.
  146. 1996:   Contact graphs of curves (extended abstract).  In: Graph Drawing GD '95, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1027, Springer Verlag (1996), 312--323.   DOI 10.1007/BFb0021814. © Springer-Verlag.
  147. 1995 (co-author A. Kuběna):   A note on intersection dimensions of graph classes.  Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 36 (1995), 255--261.   URL:

Conference and workshop talks of Petr Hliněný

  1. 2023 ( co-author T. Masařík):    Minimizing an Uncrossed Collection of Drawings.  Graph Drawing 2023, Palermo, Italy. September 19--22, 2023.   URL: Presentation.
  2. 2023:    Twin-width of Planar Graphs; a Short Proof.  Eurocomb 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. August 28--September 1, 2023.   URL: Presentation.
  3. 2023 ( co-author J. Jedelský):    Twin-width of Planar Graph is at most 8.  1st Workshop on Twin-Width, Aussois, France. May 22--May 26, 2023.   URL: Presentation.
  4. 2022:    Twin-width of Planar Graph is at most 9.  8th Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications, Prague, Czech Republic. July 25--29, 2022.   Presentation.
  5. 2022 ( co-authors J. Balabán, J. Jedelský):    Twin-width and Transductions of Proper k-Mixed-Thin Graphs.  WG 2022, Tuebingen, Germany. June 22--June 24, 2022.
  6. 2021 ( co-author F. Pokrývka):    FO model checking of intersection graphs and twin-width.  Sparsity in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Logic, Dagstuhl. September 26--October 1, 2021.   Presentation.
  7. 2021:    A Short Proof of Euler--Poincaré Formula.  EuroComb 2021, online, Barcelona. September 6--10, 2021.   Presentation.
  8. 2020 ( co-authors O. Cagirici, F. Pokrývka, A. Sankaran):    Clique-Width of Point Configurations.  WG 2020, online, UK. June 24--June 26, 2020.   Presentation.
  9. 2020:    2^5 years of Negami's planar cover conjecture.  ATCAGC 2020, Bedřichov, Czech Republic. January 27--31, 2020.
  10. 2019 ( co-authors O. Cagirici, S.K. Ghosh, B. Roy):    Some Thoughts on Geometry, Colourings, and Honza's Very Old Research.  HonzaFest (associated with GD 2019), Prague, Czech Republic. September 21, 2019.   Presentation.
  11. 2019 ( co-author A. Sankaran):    Exact Crossing Number Parameterized by Vertex Cover.  Graph Drawing GD 2019, Pruhonice, Czech Republic. September 17--20, 2019.   URL: Presentation.
  12. 2019 ( co-authors O. Cagirici, B. Roy):    On Colourability of Polygon Visibility Graphs.  9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled, Slovenia. June 23--June 29, 2019.   Presentation.
  13. 2018 ( co-authors Z. Dvořák, B. Mohar):    Structure and Generation of Crossing-critical Graphs, I..  Crossing Numbers: Theory and Applications, BIRS, Canada. October 21--26, 2018.   Presentation.
  14. 2018 ( co-authors many...):    Shrub-Depth: a successful depth measure for dense graphs.  Workshop on Structural Sparsity, Logic and Algorithms, Warwick, UK. June 18--June 21, 2018.   Presentation.
  15. 2018 ( co-authors Z. Dvořák, B. Mohar):    Structure and Generation of Crossing-critical Graphs.  SoCG 2018, Budapest, Hungary. June 11--14, 2018.   Presentation.
  16. 2017 ( co-authors Z. Dvořák, B. Mohar):    Towards a Structure Theorem for Crossing-critical Graphs.  Geometric and Structural Graph Theory, BIRS, Canada. August 20--August 25, 2017.   Presentation.
  17. 2017:    A Short Proof of Euler--Poincaré Formula.  Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the ACO Program, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA. January 9--11, 2017.   Presentation.
  18. 2016 ( co-authors many...):    Testing FO properties of dense structures.  ACCOTA 2016, Los Cabos, Mexico. November 28--December 2, 2016.   Presentation.
  19. 2016:    Toroidal Grid Minors, Embedding Stretch, and Crossing Number.  Joint STOC/SoCG Workshop Day, Boston MA, USA. June 18, 2016.   Presentation.
  20. 2016 ( co-author M. Derňár):    Crossing Number is Hard for Kernelization.  SoCG 2016, Boston MA, USA. June 14--17, 2016.   Presentation.
  21. 2016 ( co-author M. Chimani):    Inserting Multiple Edges into a Planar Graph.  SoCG 2016, Boston MA, USA. June 14--17, 2016.   Presentation.
  22. 2015:    Constructing a path-decomposition of a represented matroid using self-reduction.  A conference in honour of Geoff Whittle, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. December 14--16, 2015.   URL:
  23. 2015 ( co-author G. Salazar):    On Hardness of the Joint Crossing Number.  ISAAC 2015, Nagoya, Japan. December 9--11, 2015.   Presentation.
  24. 2015 ( co-author G. Salazar):    On Hardness of the Joint Crossing Number.  Crossing Number Workshop 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. May 18--22, 2015.
  25. 2014 ( co-authors J. Gajarský, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak):    Faster Existential FO Model Checking on Posets.  ISAAC 2014, Jeonju, Korea. December 15--17, 2014.   Presentation.
  26. 2014:    Planar Graph Emulators -- Beyond Planarity in the Plane.  2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop, Daejeon, Korea. December 10--12, 2014.   Presentation.
  27. 2014 ( co-author O. Kwon, J. Obdržálek, S. Ordyniak):    Tree-depth and vertex minors.  Structure in Graphs and Matroids, Princeton, USA. July 21--25, 2014.   Presentation.
  28. 2014 ( co-author M. Chimani):    Approximating Multiple Edge Insertion and the Crossing Number.  Crossing Number Workshop 2014, Maribor, Slovenia. June 11--15, 2014.   Presentation.
  29. 2013 ( co-author M. Derka):    Planar Emulators Conjecture Is Nearly True for Cubic Graphs.  European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications -- Eurocomb 2013, Pisa, Italy. June 9--13, 2013.   Presentation.
  30. 2013 ( co-authors R. Ganian, D. Král', J. Obdržálek, J. Schwartz, J. Teska):    FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs.  ICALP 2013, Riga, Latvia. July 8--12, 2013.   Presentation.
  31. 2013 ( co-author M. Derka):    Planar Emulators Conjecture Is Nearly True for Cubic Graphs.  CSASC 2013 -- Joint Mathematical Conference, Koper, Slovenia. June 9--13, 2013.   Presentation.
  32. 2013 ( co-authors R. Ganian, D. Král', J. Obdržálek, J. Schwartz, J. Teska):    FO Properties of Interval Graphs.  CSASC 2013 -- Joint Mathematical Conference, Koper, Slovenia. June 9--13, 2013.   Presentation.
  33. 2013 ( co-authors R. Ganian, J. Obdržálek):    On an odd case of an XP algorithm for graphs of bounded clique-width.  AMS--MAA Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, USA. January 9--12, 2013.   Presentation.
  34. 2012 ( co-authors J. Gajarský, R. Ganian, J. Nešetřil, J. Obdržálek, P. Ossona de Mendez, R. Ramadurai):    Can dense graphs be "sparse"?.  Third Workshop on Graphs and Matroids, Maastricht, The Netherlands. July 29--August 4, 2012.   Presentation.
  35. 2012 ( co-author J. Gajarský):    Faster than Courcelle's theorem on shrubs.  Seminar 12241: Data Reduction and Problem Kernels, Schloss Dagstuhl. June 10--15, 2012.   URL: Presentation.
  36. 2012 ( co-author J. Gajarský):    Faster than Courcelle's theorem on shrubs.  Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2012, Litomyšl, Czech republic. May 28--June 1, 2012.   Presentation.
  37. 2012 ( co-author J. Gajarský):    Testing Graph MSO Properties: A Fresh View.  Graph Theory @ Georgia Tech: Conference in Honor of Professor Robin Thomas, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA, USA. May 7--11, 2012.   URL: Presentation.
  38. 2012 ( co-authors M. Chimani, M. Derka, M. Klusáček):    How Not to Characterize Planar-emulable Graphs.  Workshop on Algebraic, Topological and Complexity Aspects of Graph Covers (ATCAGC 2012), University of Oregon, USA. January 26--31, 2012.   Presentation.
  39. 2011 ( co-authors M. Chimani, G. Salazar):    On the Crossing Number of Surface-Embedded Graphs.  Crossing Numbers Turn Useful (11w5144), Banff International Research Station, Canada. August 21--26, 2011.   URL: Presentation.
  40. 2011 ( co-author M. Chimani):    A Tighter Insertion-based Approximation of the Graph Crossing Number.  7th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled, Slovenia. June 19--25, 2011.   URL: Presentation.
  41. 2011 ( co-author M. Chimani):    A Tighter Insertion-based Approximation of the Graph Crossing Number.  Graph Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization, NII Shonan Meeting 2011, Japan. February 13--18, 2011.   URL: Presentation.
  42. 2011 ( co-authors M. Chimani, M. Derka, M. Klusáček):    New Development in Planar Emulators.  Workshop on Graph Covers (ATCAGC 2011), Králova Studňa, Slovakia. January 23--26, 2011.   URL: Presentation.
  43. 2010:    Canonical Generation of Matroids.  Matroids and Computation 2010 workshop, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. November 29 -- December 3, 2010.   URL: Presentation.
  44. 2010 ( co-authors R. Ganian, J. Obdržálek):    On efficient solvability of graph problems parameterized by "width" (rank-width).  Workshop on Graph Decomposition: Theoretical, Algorithmic and Logical Aspects, CIRM Marseille, France. October 18--22, 2010.   URL: paul/ANR/cirm-2010.html. Presentation.
  45. 2010:    Where Myhill--Nerode Theorem Meets Parameterized Algorithmics.  Parametrized Complexity of Computational Reasoning, Workshop of MFCSL 2010, Brno, Czech republic. August 28, 2010.   URL: Presentation.
  46. 2010 ( co-authors R. Ganian, J. Kneis, D. Meister, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith, S. Sikdar):    On "good" and "bad" digraph width measures.  Logic, Combinatorics and Computation, Workshop of MFCSL 2010, Brno, Czech republic. August 28--29, 2010.   URL: Presentation.
  47. 2010 ( co-author G. Salazar):    Lower Bounds on the Crossing Number of Surface-Embedded Graphs I: Up to Torus.  Theory and Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Crossing Number, Workshop of MFCSL 2010, Brno, Czech republic. August 21--22, 2010.   URL: Presentation.
  48. 2010 ( co-authors R. Ganian, J. Kneis, D. Meister, J. Obdržálek, P. Rossmanith, S. Sikdar):    How "Good" Digraph Width Measures Do/Can We Have?.  Second Workshop on Graphs and Matroids, CWI & Maastricht University, Maastricht, NL. August 1--7, 2010.   URL: bgerards/workshops/2010. Presentation.
  49. 2010 ( co-authors R. Ganian, J. Obdržálek):    Unified Approach to Polynomial Algorithms on Graphs of Bounded (bi-)Rank-width.  XIth Conference of Czech Mathematicians CSASC 2010, Prague, Czech republic. January 25, 2010.   URL: Presentation.
  50. 2010 ( co-author M. Chimani):    Approximating the Crossing Number of Graphs Embeddable in Any Orientable Surface.  ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA10), Austin, Texas USA. January 17--20, 2010.   URL: Presentation.
  51. 2009:    Planar emulators: On a surprising fall of Fellows conjecture, and beyond.  Graph Embeddings and Maps on Surfaces GEMS 09, Tále, Slovakia. June 28 -- July 3, 2009.   URL: Presentation.
  52. 2009 ( co-author R. Ganian):    On Parse Trees and Myhill--Nerode Tools for Graphs of Bounded Rank-width.  DIMAP workshop on Algorithmic Graph Theory 2009, University of Warwick, UK. March 23--25, 2009.   URL: Presentation.
  53. 2009:    21 Years of Negami's Planar Cover Conjecture.  Workshop on Graph Covers (ATCAGC 2009), Finse, Norway. February 19--21, 2009.   URL: Presentation.
  54. 2008:    Graph decompositions, Parse trees, and MSO properties.  Combinatorial and Computational Aspects of Optimization, Topology and Algebra ACCOTA 2008, Oaxaca, Mexico. December 8--12, 2008.   URL: Presentation.
  55. 2008:    20 Years of Negami's Planar Cover Conjecture.  The 20th Workshop on Topological Graph Theory in Yokohama, Japan. November 24--28, 2008.   URL: Presentation.
  56. 2008 ( co-author G. Whittle):    Some Recent Additions to Matroid Tree-Width.  Netherlands Workshop on Graphs and Matroids, Sittard, NL. July 18--23, 2008.   Presentation.
  57. 2008 ( co-author G. Whittle):    Approaching Tree-Width of Graphs from a Matroidal Perspective.  Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2008, Zadov, Czech Republic. June 9--13, 2008.   URL: Presentation.
  58. 2007 ( co-author G. Salazar):    Approximating the Crossing Number of Toroidal Graphs.  18th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation ISAAC 2007, Sendai, Japan. December 17--19, 2007.   URL: Presentation.
  59. 2007 ( co-author S. Oum):    Finding branch-decomposition and rank-decomposition.  Joint Meeting of the AMS -- NZMS 2007, Wellington, New Zealand. December 12--15, 2007.   URL:
  60. 2007 ( co-author S. Oum):    Finding branch-decomposition and rank-decomposition.  ALGO: ESA 2007, Eilat, Israel. October 7--11, 2007.   URL: Presentation.
  61. 2007:    Approximating the crossing number for graphs close to planarity.  Structure Theory and FPT Algorithmics for Graphs, Digraphs and Hypergraphs, Dagstuhl Seminar #07281, Germany. July 8--13, 2007.   URL: Presentation.
  62. 2007:    New almost-planar crossing-critical graph families.  6th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled, Slovenia. June 24--30, 2007.   URL: Presentation.
  63. 2007 ( co-authors I. Gitler, J. Lea~nos, G. Salazar):    The crossing number of a projective graph is quadratic in the face--width.  Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2007, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech republic. June 11--15, 2007.   URL: Presentation.
  64. 2006 ( co-author D. Seese):    On decidability of MSO theories of combinatorial structures: Towards general matroids?.  Logic and Combinatorics, Workshop at CSL'06. September 23--24, 2006.   URL: Presentation.
  65. 2006 ( co-author G. Salazar):    On the Crossing Number of Almost Planar Graphs.  Graph Drawing GD 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany. September 18--20, 2006.   URL: Presentation.
  66. 2006:    On Matroid Representability and Minor Problems.  Symposium on Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2006, Stará Lesná, Slovakia. August 28 -- September 2, 2006.   URL: Presentation.
  67. 2006 ( co-author J. Obdržálek):    Escape-width: measuring "width" of digraphs.  Fifth Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. July 7--15, 2006.   URL: Presentation.
  68. 2006:    MACEK -- Real Structural Computations with Representable Matroids.  AXIOM workshop, RISC Institute, Linz, Austria. April 27--29, 2006.   URL: Presentation.
  69. 2006 ( co-authors D. Hliněná, P. Vojtáš):    A note on multicriteria decision making.  Fuzzy Sets FSTA 2006, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic. January 30 -- February 3, 2006.   URL: Presentation.
  70. 2005:    On Crossing-Critical Graphs.  Workshop on Geometric Graphs, Asian Applied Computing Conference AACC2005, Kathmandu, Nepal. December 11, 2005.
  71. 2005:    Combinatorial Generation of Matroid Representations: Theory and Practice.  Asian Applied Computing Conference AACC2005, Kathmandu, Nepal. December 10--12, 2005.   URL:
  72. 2005 ( co-author G. Whittle):    Matroid Tree-Width and Chordality.  Workshop on Graph Classes and Width Parameters, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. October 17--19, 2005.   URL: Presentation.
  73. 2005 ( co-authors M. Noy, O. Gimenez):    Computing the Tutte Polynomial with Restricted "Width".  2nd Workshop on Tutte Polynomials and Applications, CRM, UAB Bellaterra, Spain. October 4--7, 2005.   URL: Presentation.
  74. 2005:    Width Parameters of Matroids.  Exact Algorithms and Fixed-Parameter Tractability, Dagstuhl Seminar #05301, Germany. July 23--29, 2005.   URL: Presentation.
  75. 2005:    On crossing-critical graphs.  Graph Embeddings and Maps on Surfaces GEMS 2005, Stará Lesná, Slovakia. June 26 -- July 1, 2005.   URL: Presentation.
  76. 2005 ( co-authors M. Noy, O. Gimenez):    Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width.  Graph-Theoretical Concepts in Computer Science WG '05, Metz, France. June 23--25, 2005.   URL: Presentation.
  77. 2005 ( co-authors M. Noy, O. Gimenez):    Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width.  The First Czech-Catalan Conference in Mathematics, Prague, Czech Republic. May 27--28, 2005.
  78. 2005:    O matroidech v teoretické informatice.  Současné Trendy Teoretické Informatiky, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science. May 13--14, 2005.
  79. 2004:    Matroid decompositions.  Workshop on Graph and Hypergraph Decompositions, Wolfgang Pauli Institute Vienna, Austria. December 16--18, 2004.   URL: Presentation.
  80. 2004:    Crossing Number is Hard for Cubic Graphs.  Combinatorial and Computational Aspects of Optimization, Topology and Algebra (ACCOTA 2004), San Miguel, Mexico. November 1--6, 2004.   URL: Presentation.
  81. 2004:    Are Matroids Interesting Combinatorial Structures?.  Workshop on Logic and Graph Transformations, ICGT 2004, Roma, Italy. October 1--2, 2004.   URL: Presentation.
  82. 2004 ( co-author D. Seese):    On Decidability of MSO Theories of Representable Matroids.  IWPEC, part of the Symposium ALGO 2004, Bergen, Norway. September 13 -- 17, 2004.   URL: Presentation.
  83. 2004:    On the Complexity of Matroid Minors.  EMS Mathematical Weekend 04, Prague, Czech Republic. 3 -- September 5, 2004.   Presentation.
  84. 2004:    Crossing Number is Hard for Cubic Graphs.  Symposium on Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. August 23--27, 2004.   URL: Presentation.
  85. 2003 ( co-author G. Whittle):    Matroid Tree-Width.  Advances in Graph and Matroid Theory, a conference in honour of Neil Robertson's 65th birthday, Columbus USA. December 13--16, 2003.   URL:
  86. 2003 ( co-author G. Whittle):    Tree-Width and Matroids.  Eurocomb '03 -- European conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, Praha, Czech republic. September 8--12, 2003.   URL:
  87. 2003:    On Matroid Properties Definable in the MSO Logic.  Symposium on Math Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2003, Bratislava, Slovakia. August 25--29, 2003.   URL:
  88. 2003:    Algorithms on Matroids of Bounded Branch-width.  Fixed Parameter Algorithms, Dagstuhl Seminar #03311, Germany. July 27 -- August 1, 2003.   URL:
  89. 2003:    Branch-width, tree-width, and computational complexity in matroids.  Současné Trendy Teoretické Informatiky, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science. May 22--23, 2003.   URL:
  90. 2003:    Branch-Width, Parse Trees, and Monadic Second-Order Logic for Matroids.  Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science STACS 2003, Berlin, Germany. February 27 -- March 1, 2003.
  91. 2002:    Branch-Width, Parse Trees, and Monadic Second-Order Logic for Matroids over Finite Fields.  Conference on Matroid Structure Theory, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, USA. July 1--5, 2002.
  92. 2002:    The Tutte Polynomial for Matroids of Bounded Branch-Width.  Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2002, Rejvíz, Czech republic. May 27--31, 2002.
  93. 2001:    Crossing-Critical Graphs and Path-width.  Graph Drawing GD 2001, Vienna, Austria. September 23--26, 2001.
  94. 2001 ( co-authors J.F. Geelen, G. Whittle):    Matroid Connectivity and Bridging Separations.  The 26th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. July 9--13, 2001.
  95. 2000:    Crossing-Number Critical Graphs have Bounded Pathwidth.  Algebraic and Topological Methods In Graph Theory (ATMGT 2000), University of Auckland, New Zealand. December 11--15, 2000.
  96. 2000 ( co-authors L.A. Goddyn, W. Hochstattler):    Flows in Matroids.  The 25th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. December 4--8, 2000.
  97. 2000:    An Addition to Art Galleries with Interior Walls.  Workshop on Colourings and Homomorphisms, PIMS Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. July 17--28, 2000.
  98. 2000:    Crossing-Number Critical Graphs have Bounded Pathwidth.  Workshop on Flows, Cycles and Orientations, PIMS Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Canada. July 3--14, 2000.
  99. 2000:    Negami's conjecture - What next?.  Workshop on Graph Minors and Topological Graph Theory, The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. January 17--22, 2000.
  100. 1999 ( co-author R. Thomas):    On possible counterexamples to Negami's planar cover conjecture.  Fourth Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory, Bled, Slovenia. June 28 -- July 2, 1999.
  101. 1999 ( co-author R. Thomas):    On possible counterexamples to Negami's planar cover conjecture.  Twelfth Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Louisville, Kentucky USA. May 20--22, 1999.
  102. 1999 ( co-author R. Thomas):    On possible counterexamples to Negami's planar cover conjecture.  30th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. March 8--12, 1999.
  103. 1998:    Finite planar covers of graphs.  Minisymposium on Discharging methods, 9th SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Toronto, Canada. July 12--15, 1998.
  104. 1998:    K4,4 -e has no finite planar cover.  DIMACS Research and Educational Institute '98, Rutgers University, New Jersey USA. July 27 -- August 7, 1998.
  105. 1998:    Planar covers and projective planar graphs -- Negami's conjecture.  Fifth Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Prague, Czech republic. July 6--11, 1998.
  106. 1998:    K4,4 -e has no finite planar cover.  29th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. March 9--13, 1998.
  107. 1997:    Touching graphs of unit balls.  Conference Graph Drawing '97, Roma, Italy. September 18--20, 1997.
  108. 1997:    Planar covers and projective planar graphs.  Graph Embeddings and Maps on Surfaces GEMS'97, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. June 29 -- July 4, 1997.
  109. 1997 ( co-author J. Kratochvíl):    Computational complexity of the Krausz dimension of graphs.  Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science WG '97, Berlin, Germany. June 18--20, 1997.
  110. 1997 ( co-author J. Kratochvíl):    The Krausz dimension of graphs.  Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 1997, Chudenice, Czech republic. June 9--13, 1997.
  111. 1996:    Planar covering graphs.  International Colloquium on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Balatonlelle, Hungary. July 15--20, 1996.
  112. 1996:    Contact graphs of curves and line segments.  Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 1996, Soláň, Czech republic. June 17--21, 1996.
  113. 1995:    Contact graphs of curves.  Graph Drawing '95, Passau, Germany. September 20--22, 1995.