Laboratory of Discrete Methods and Algorithms (DIMEA)
Heads: prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D. and prof. RNDr. Daniel Kráľ, Ph.D., DSc.
The Laboratory of Discrete Methods and Algorithms (DIMEA) focuses on problems from discrete mathematics underpinning computer science and their applications to the design of discrete algorithms. Our research areas include in particular algorithmic, geometric, structural and topological graph theory, extremal combinatorics, and analytic representations of large discrete structures. The members of the laboratory have an intensive network of collaborators (e.g., they coauthored papers with more than 150 researchers), and their research is supported by various national and international grant agencies. The laboratory welcomes all students of the bachelor, master and doctoral levels to participate in its research seminars and to join its research activities.
Activities of the DIMEA laboratory
Former postdocs
- Igor Balla (Apr-Dec 2024)
- Michał Dębski (Sep 2018-Aug 2020)
- Frederik Garbe (Jan 2021-Aug 2023)
- Grzegorz Guśpiel (Jan-Aug 2023)
- Robert Hancock (Jan 2019-Sep 2020)
- Adam Kabela (Jan 2019-Jan 2021)
- Ander Lamaison (Oct 2020-Dec 2023)
- Samuel Mohr (Sep 2020-Jun 2022)
- Théo Pierron (Sep 2019-Aug 2020)
- Bodhayan Roy (May 2017-Jan 2019)
- Fiona Skerman (Apr-Oct 2019)
- Jan Volec (Aug-Dec 2019)
- Jakub Balabán
- Samuel Čepela
- Daniel Iľkovič
- Jan Jedelský
- Filip Kučerák
- Lukáš Málik
- Shubhang Mittal
- Kristýna Pekárková
- Tai Phat Pham
- Filip Pokrývka
- Xichao Shu
- Adam Straka
Former students
- Deniz Agaoglu
- Onur Cagirici
- Jacob W. Cooper
- Michal Korbela
- Martin Kurečka
Past activities of the DIMEA laboratory
- European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, August 28–September 1, 2023
- Focused Workshop on Combinatorics of Integer Programming, August 14–25, 2023
- DIMEA Days 2022
- Workshop: Interfaces of the Theory of Combinatorial Limits, March 7-18, 2022
- ITI Online Seminar, Fall 2020
- 55th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory (CSGT), August 17-20, 2020
- DIMEA Days, June 12–13, 2019
- Crossing Numbers Workshop, May 6-10, 2019