Areas of Research
At FI we address research questions and problems from all fields of informatics and related disciplines. For better orientation, we provide an overview of our research areas and topics with links to the interested research groups, structured according to the ACM 2012 classification.
Applied computing
- Arts and humanities – Fine arts, Media arts
- Arts and humanities – Language translation
- Document management and text processing
- Education – Computer-assisted instruction
- Pelánek (Adaptive Learning)
- Čeleda, Vykopal (CYBERSEC)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
- Education – Interactive learning environments
- Electronic commerce
- Enterprise architectures, Enterprise modeling
- Operations research – Consumer products, Marketing
- Operations research – Decision analysis
- Operations research – Industry and manufacturing
- Operations research – Transportation
- Physics
- Social and professional topics
Artificial intelligence
- Anomaly detection, Relational learning
- Computer vision
- Control methods, Robotic planning
- Černá (Paradise)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
- Distributed artificial intelligence
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Machine learning approaches
- Multi-agent systems, Intelligent agents, Mobile agents
- Natural language processing
- Planning and scheduling, Constraint programming
- Planning under uncertainty
- Brázdil, Novotný (RationAI)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
- Search methodologies, metaheuristics
Computer systems organization
- Architectures
- Dependable, trustworthy and fault-tolerant systems and networks
- Grid computing, Cloud computing
- Real-time systems, Embedded and cyber-physical systems
- Sensor networks
Computing in life and medical sciences
- Bioinfomatics
- Biomedical AI applications
- Biomedical imaging
- Kozubek, Maška, Pavel Matula, Petr Matula, Svoboda, Ulman (CBIA)
- Computational proteomics
- Systems biology
- Beneš, Brim, Šafránek (SYBILA)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
Human-centered computing and HCI
- Collaborative and social computing
- HCI design and evaluation methods
- Impact of technology usage on individuals and society
- Interaction devices
- Ubiquitous and mobile computing
- User models
- Virtual and mixed/augmented reality
- Visualization
Information systems
- Data management systems
- Dohnal, Sedmidubský, Zezula (DISA)
- Data mining
- Digital libraries and archives
- Enterprise information systems
- Information retrieval
- Information systems applications
- Web data description languages
- Web searching and information discovery, Web mining
Security and privacy
- Cryptography
- Human and societal aspects of security and privacy
- Matyáš (CRoCS)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
- Intrusion/anomaly detection and malware mitigation
- Network security
- Quantum communication and cryptography
- Security in hardware
- Security services
- Software and application security
- Systems security
- Usable security
Software and its engineering
- Formal methods – Model checking
- Barnat (Paradise)
- Strejček (Formela)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
- Requirements analysis
- Software architectures
- Software development methods
- Software system structures
- Software verification and validation
Theory of computation
- Algorithmic game theory
- Computational complexity, classes and reductions
- Cryptography, Information theory
- Design and analysis of algorithms
- Formal languages and automata theory
- Blumensath, Mojmír Křetínský, Řehák, Strejček (Formela)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
- Higher order logic, Automated reasoning
- Logic and verification, Modal and temporal logics, Verification by model checking
- Logic, Finite model theory
- Machine learning theory
- Popelínský (KD group)
- Brázdil (RationAI)
- Jan Křetínský (LiVe)
- Program analysis and verification
- Quantum computation theory
- Randomness, geometry and discrete structures