ALGOMANET – Algorithms and Mathematics Network

Algomanet is a network based on collaboration among several research groups in the areas of discrete algorithms, discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, which all are based at Central European universities. The network was founded in 2019 and currently includes Charles University in Prague, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Masaryk University in Brno and the University of Warsaw.

The Algomanet network offers lectures on advanced topics primarily to MSc and PhD students affiliated with one of the network universities. The courses are usually organized as one week courses, often in parallel with another course in the same week; it is possible (and common) to attend only one of the two courses offered while the schedule allows attending both courses. The courses are offered as intensive courses with a lecture held on each weekday and a part of each weekday also devoted to solving exercises given during the lectures.

Courses offered in the academic year 2024/25

Courses offered in the academic year 2023/24

Courses offered in the academic year 2022/23

Courses offered in the academic year 2021/22

Courses offered in the academic year 2020/21

Courses offered in the academic year 2019/20

Steering committee