Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing

Artificial intelligence and data processing are dynamic areas of computer science that are becoming increasingly important. The program is built on a thorough understanding of the basic theoretical concepts and methods, giving students the opportunity to become true experts in the field. The core of the program includes teaching artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, statistics, data visualization, and big data processing technologies.

However, theory is not separated from practice - already during the course of their studies, students solve specific case studies to learn about the tools and technologies currently in use. Students have the opportunity to work on real industrial or scientific projects during their studies. Students in the programme gain experience that enables them to put the current state of knowledge to immediate use in practice, as well as a solid foundation that enables them to continue to independently pursue further developments in this dynamic field.

Candidates choose one of the specializations Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Processing and Analysis of Large-scale Data, or Natural Language Processing.

Application for study
Admission Guide

English study programme / Czech study programme
Form Full-time
Duration of study 2 years
Graduate Profile

Due to the dynamic development of the field for which the program prepares students, graduates have a wide range of employment opportunities, with specific avenues of employment continuously emerging and many yet to emerge during the course of their studies. The following are the framework possibilities of employment:

  1. Applied and basic research, typically large-scale data processing, often in collaboration with experts from other disciplines such as biology or linguistics;
  2. working in companies with a direct interest in artificial intelligence and data processing (e.g. Seznam, Google), for example as a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer;
  3. working in companies with valuable and often large data (e.g. banking, telecom operators), as well as companies providing cloud-based data analytics technologies, for example Business Intelligence Analyst and Data Analyst positions;
  4. establishing your own start-up specialising in the use of artificial intelligence methods in a specific field.
Where to go after this study?
Graduate career exploration

FI graduates are valued in practice, with an average gross starting salary of more than 45,000 CZK in the last few years, according to a survey of all degrees. More on graduate employment

Meet successful graduates

Jiří Materna
Jiří Materna


Find what you don't know, thanks to Jiří Materna's research team

Would you have thought that the results of an internet search engine search are influenced by a young FI MU graduate who was writing short stories in a drawer at the time of the creation of

Study catalogue

In the study catalogue, you will find lists of required and elective courses and a recommended course of study.

Study catalogue


Practical projects, often in cooperation with the commercial sector, are part of the study. However, a direct internship in a company is not part of the study.


Specialisations are curricula that set out requirements for graduation, such as compulsory courses.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

The specialisation leads graduates to acquire a deeper knowledge of methods in machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques and experience in their application.

Working stress in the ParaDiSe laboratory
Meet a successful graduate
Find what you don't know, thanks to Jiri Materna's research team

Would you have thought that the results of an internet search engine search are influenced by a young FI MU graduate who was writing short stories in a drawer at the time of the creation of

Jiří Materna

Processing and analysis of large-scale data

The specialization focuses on data sciences that create value from huge data streams by collecting, exploring, interpreting and presenting data from different perspectives for the purpose of data analytics, called business intelligence.

Servers for data storage and processing

Natural Language Processing

This specialization prepares graduates to work with natural languages (e.g., Czech, English) in written and spoken form from a computer science perspective.

Prof. Pala and Assoc. Horák in the NLP laboratory