The general content and form of entrance tests

The entrance tests examine the applicant's ability to successfully study a follow-up Master's programme at the Faculty of Informatics MU. The tests consist of questions concerning basic Computer Science and Mathematics knowledge, and they take the form of a single-choice test of five options. The correct answer is attributed one point, an incorrect answer is deducted by 0.25 points; multiple selected answers or no answers result in zero points.

Entrance exam thematic areas:

Computer Science Areas
  • Algorithms and data structures (algorithm complexity, sorting algorithms, basic abstract data structures and their implementation).
  • Programming (writing and interpreting a program in a common imperative programming language or pseudocode, principles of object-oriented programming, basic properties of imperative, object-oriented and functional programming languages) and fundamentals of software engineering.
  • Databases (relational data model, normal forms, SQL).
  • Computer Networks (connectionless networks, ISO OSI and TCP/IP models, functions, addressing and basic protocols of particular levels, switching and routing in IP networks).
  • Principles of computer systems (numerical systems in computer practice, processors, memories, operating system, peripherals, basic logic circuits).
Mathematics Areas
  • Graphs and graph algorithms (chart types and data structures, distance in charts, chart connectivity, trees, graph traversals, spanning tree).
  • Sets, relations, functions (Cartesian product, power set, partial order relation, equivalence, bijection) and logic (propositional and predicate logic, syntax and semantics, satisfiability, equivalence of formulas).
  • Calculus (analysis of a function and its graph - monotonicity, convexity, local and global extrema, limit, derivative, integral).
  • Linear algebra (operations with matrices, linear transformation, solving systems of linear equations).
  • Probability and descriptive statistics (elementary combinatorics, conditional probability, probability distribution, mean, median, variance, correlation).

Assessment of entrance tests

The determining factor for success in entrance exams is the percentile calculated based on the sum of the number of points obtained in both entrance tests. The percentile expresses how many percent of the applicants have lower or equal performance.

Tests from previous years