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Promotion repository - fi-graphics

The Anxur server provides storage space for graphic materials for FI promotion. This can be accessed by the Promotion Department ( can also be contacted for access requests) and by the heads of departments at FI.

For direct access (e.g. via SSH) use the path /export/fi-graphics on Anxur.

Remote access options

Using Samba (Windows, Linux, macOS)

By connecting a shared folder \\\fi-graphics. Available only from FI staff and student machines (does not include Wi-Fi) or from the faculty VPN. Authentication using faculty login and password.

In Windows, you need to connect/map your network drive (e.g., right click on This PC/This PC in Explorer/Windows Explorer and select Map network drive/Connect network drive) \\\fi-graphics as user NTFI\login (+ faculty password).

On Linux, in the Nautilus file browser, connect using:

  • Other Locations → Connect to Server: smb://
  • Connect As: Registered User
    • Username: login
    • Domain: NTFI
    • Password: faculty password

In macOS Finder, we connect using:

  • Go → Connect to Server (shortcut ⌘K), enter the address smb://
  • Click on the + sign to add it to your favorites.
  • Double click on the added address, enter the following information:
  • Connect As: Registered User
    • Username: NTFI\login
    • Password: faculty password
    • Click Connect

Using WinSCP (Windows)

Download the pre-configured client You need to authenticate with your faculty login and password.

WinSCP is accessible from anywhere even without a VPN, unfortunately it does not support image and video previews.

Using sshfs (macOS)

Connect to the /export/fi-graphics share using sshfs. Commands must be entered in the Terminal application:

  • create a directory fi-graphics (this step does not need to be repeated for subsequent connections)
    • mkdir -p ~/fi-graphics
  • mount the folder in Terminal using the command
    • sshfs ~/fi-graphics -o defer_permissions -o volname=fi-graphics
  • fi-graphics will connect to your home directory, you can work with the files using, for example, the Finder
  • for each file/directory you create, set the default permissions as follows:

    • The first line tells you what rights you have to the file - set to Read and Write.
    • The second line tells what rights other people with access to the file have - set to Read and Write.
    • The third line shows the rights for everyone else - set to Read Only.
  • When you have finished working with fi-graphics, go to the terminal again and disconnect the folder: umount ~/fi-graphics