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Applied informatics - without specialization

  1. Graphs and graph algorithms. Formalization of basic graph concepts, representation of graphs. Coherence of a graph, chromaticity, planar graphs. Algorithms (including the complexity and basic idea of proofs of correctness): searching the graph in width and depth, the shortest distances, skeletons, flows in networks.
    MA010, MA015
  2. Algorithms and data structures. Complexity analysis, amortized complexity. Algorithm design techniques (divide and conquer, dynamic programming, hunger strategies). Advanced data structures (heaps, union-find structures). Algorithms for working with strings (Karp-Rabin, KMP, Boyer-Moore algorithms, use of finite automata).
  3. Statistics. Descriptive statistics, functional and numerical characteristics of characters. Discrete and continuous random variables (NV), basic distribution. Numerical characteristics of NV. Central limit theorem. Point estimates, confidence intervals, testing of statistical hypotheses, level of significance. Basic parametric and nonparametric tests, ANOVA, NV independence tests, linear regression.
  4. Software engineering. SW development process. Unified Process Methodology. Agile SW development. Testing phases and types of tests. Software metrics, code refactoring. Software quality. Estimation of costs and time of SW development. Maintenance and reusability.
    PA017, PA104
  5. Powerful computers and intensive calculations. Superscalar and streaming (GPU) processors, intraprocessor and internuclear parallelism. Memory organization, shared and distributed, cache coherence. Code optimization. Distributed systems, decomposition of tasks, basic programming support.
  6. Database. Data storage, addressing of records. Indexing and hashing for multiple attributes, bitmap indexes, dynamic hashing. Query evaluation, transformation rules, statistics and estimates. Query and schema optimization. Transaction processing, outages and recovery. DB security, access rights.
  7. Object-oriented methods of system design. Design patterns. Software architectures. Component interfaces, signatures and service constraints, OCL. Component systems and models, qualitative aspects of services (QoS). Object-oriented methods of software development, RUP.
  8. Computer networks. Layers of network models, their functionality and interoperability, standardization. Network layer protocols, advanced IPv6 features, addressing, address space division. Routing: router architecture, routing protocol families, MPLS and TE. Transport protocols: UDP, mechanisms and variants of TCP, protocols for high-speed networks with high latency. Self-organizing networks. P2P networks: architecture, partitioning, routing.
  9. Programming. Features of imperatively oriented languages, functional programming languages and logic programming. Features of object-oriented languages. Overview knowledge at the level of understanding the basic paradigms. Knowledge of selected programming language at advanced level.

Applied informatics - specialization Graphic design

  1. Algorithms and data structures. Complexity analysis, amortized complexity. Algorithm design techniques (divide and conquer, dynamic programming, hunger strategies). Advanced data structures (heaps, union-find structures). Algorithms for working with strings (Karp-Rabin, KMP, Boyer-Moore algorithms, use of finite automata).
  2. Statistics. Descriptive statistics, functional and numerical characteristics of characters. Discrete and continuous random variables (NV), basic distribution. Numerical characteristics of NV. Central limit theorem. Point estimates, confidence intervals, testing of statistical hypotheses, level of significance. Basic parametric and nonparametric tests, ANOVA, NV independence tests, linear regression.
  3. Software engineering. SW development process. Unified Process Methodology. Agile SW development. Testing phases and types of tests. Software metrics, code refactoring. Software quality. Estimation of costs and time of SW development. Maintenance and reusability.
  4. History of graphic design. History of the poster, corporate style, visual information systems, books, etc. The first predecessors, the connection of historical milestones in the field and printing techniques: the invention of letterpress, lithography, serigraphy, offset, digital printing. 1930s - Bauhaus, 1950s, International Swiss Typographic Style - prominent creators and pioneers of graphic design. The emergence of computer graphics and the impact on graphic design.
  5. Main fields of graphic design activity. Poster, brand and corporate style, visual information systems and information graphics, data visualization. Book design, editorial design, publication design. Overlaps of graphic design into other fields - architecture, web design, interactive design, game design, e-publishing. Contemporary graphic design at home and abroad. Important creators.
  6. Font , basic concepts: character and its drawing, alphabet, font outline, types and types of fonts, font family; font measurement. Principles of creating author's fonts; font production before and today; professional font editors; contemporary important creators of fonts and font lines.
  7. Key periods and events in the development of writing. Notable historical creators of the scriptures; history of printing (letterpress, photocomposition, digital typesetting). Different font classifications; Solper's classification (static × dynamic principle, serif × sans-serif fonts, free and calligraphic fonts); font swatch.
  8. Typography. Characteristics, means, main principles. Rate and its types. Typographic rules, typographic corrections before and today. Typography in editorial design. The most famous Czech and foreign media, their history and creators. Other uses of typography: on the Internet, in film, in architecture.
  9. Book design. History of the book, 1st printed book, invention of book printing, important Czech creators: Jan Tschichold and New Typography, Jan Solpera, Karel Teige, Ladislav Sutnar, book as an object - Květa Pacovská, etc .; book edition, book typesetting: difference between the set of fiction and poetry, book mirror.