DIMEA Days 2019
DIMEA Days 2019 was a two-day event focused on discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science organized by the DIMEA laboratory at the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno. The aim of the event is to start a tradition of an annual intensive meeting of researchers in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science in the region of Central Europe. The scientific program consisted of talks by invited speakers primarily from the region and a poster session aimed at more junior researchers. The scientific program started on Wednesday, June 12 in the morning and concluded on Thursday, June 13 at around noon. The talks took place in the Moravian Museum in Brno.
- Marthe Bonamy (LaBRI, Bordeaux)
- Sergio Cabello (University of Ljubljana)
- Johannes Carmesin (University of Birmingham)
- Zdeněk Dvořák (Charles University, Prague)
- Michał Pilipczuk (University of Warsaw)
- Jozef Skokan (LSE)
- Martin Škoviera (Comenius University, Bratislava)
- Gábor Tardos (Rényi Institute, Budapest)
Registration and contact details
To attend the event,
please register by sending an e-mail to Darina Boukalová boukalovObGJjz1v6@ficnWmp35Ua.muni-vI9KMmuP.cz
who is the primary contact person for the event.
The registration deadline is March 31, 2019.
The registration is free and includes all coffee breaks and
a dinner on Wednesday, June 12.
Support for junior researchers
There is financial support available towards travel expenses of junior researchers (PhD students and postdocs) to attend the event. Those interested in receiving the support should indicate so when registering for the event. In order to obtain the support, it is necessary to contribute to the poster session.
Other events in June in Central Europe
The annual Czech-Slovak Conference Graphs 2019 will be held in the week (June 3–7) preceding this event in Čingov, Slovakia. The conference languages are Czech, English and Slovak.
Computer Science Institute of Charles University in Prague will organize the biannual workshop Současné trendy teoretické informatiky (STTI) on the two days (June 10 and 11) preceding DIMEA Days 2019. Note that the STTI workshop is held in Czech and Slovak only.
Funding information
This event has also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 648509). |