Algomanet - fall 2024
Basic information
The two Algomanet courses given by Jan Dreier and Marcin Pilipczuk, which are scheduled for the fall 2024, will take place in the week September 9-13 at the University of Warsaw. The courses will be delivered on site only, starting at 9am on Monday September 9 and concluding in the afternoon on Friday September 13.
The registration for the Algomanet courses is now open.
You can register by sending an e-mail to Jan Grebík (
before the deadline noted below.
It is possible to register for both or just one of the two courses offered.
The courses are primarily intended for those affiliated with the participating universities,
however, we are able to offer a limited number of places to students from other universities, too.
Registration deadline: Monday July 22, 2024
Note: We are able to accommodate a limited number of late registrations.
Jan Dreier: The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions
Algorithmic Meta-Theorems are results that solve whole families
of algorithmic problems on well-behaved classes of instances. The
tractable instances are usually described using graph theory, and
the families of algorithmic problems are typically described in terms
of logic. In this context, we say a graph class is "tractable" if the
first-order model-checking problem is FPT (fixed-parameter tractable)
on this class. More precisely, a graph class C is
"tractable" if there is an algorithm that decides for a given graph
G from C and a sentence ɸ
of first-order logic, in time f(ɸ)⋅|G|c
if ɸ holds on G (where c is a small constant independent of G
and ɸ). Landmark results show that nowhere dense graph
classes, hereditary stable classes, and classes of ordered graphs of
bounded twin-width are tractable.
The central conjecture in the field is that for hereditary graph classes
(those closed under induced subgraphs), a graph class is tractable if and
only if it is "dependent". Here, "dependence" refers to a very general
notion originating from model theory, where it is usually considered in
the infinite. In this course, I will introduce an ongoing program that
aims to prove the central conjecture by first rediscovering dependence
(and related notions) as purely combinatorial, finitary, graph-theoretic
concepts, and then using these concepts to develop a model-checking
In this context, most relevant approaches were originally developed for
nowhere dense graph classes, then generalized to stable graph classes, and
finally extended to dependent classes. Similarly, we start this course by
exploring nowhere dense classes, then stable classes, and finally dependent
Marcin Pilipczuk: Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems
Additional material: exercises, slides from the last lecture, a link to the ICALP 2024 workshop on the topic of the course
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) is a very general language to speak
about various families of computational problems. After many years of research,
in 2017 the P vs NP-hard dichotomy was proven by Bulatov and Zhuk for the "most natural"
case of finite languages.
Parameterized complexity is a theoretical framework that allows us to speak about
running times of the algorithms in a much more refined way than just measuring it
as a function of the input size. The input is measured by one or more so-called
parameters, and the impact of each parameter on the running time bound is studied.
In recent years, many interesting aspects of parameterized complexity of CSPs have
been explored. This includes parameterizations by the (Hamming) weight of the solution,
by structural measures of the primal graph of the input instance, or by the number of
satisfied or unsatisfied constraints in the optimization variants of CSPs. We will
survey these developments, present main techniques and recent results.
Location and schedule
All lectures and discussion sessions will take place in the building of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics located at ul. Stefana Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa. Preliminary schedule.
Monday September 9
8:50 | Opening remarks (room 4420) |
9:00-10:30 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (lecture, room 4420) |
11:00-12:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (lecture and exercises, room 4420) |
14:00-15:00 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (exercises, room 4420) |
15:30-16:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (lecture and exercises, room 4420) |
19:00 | Get together event |
Tuesday September 10
9:00-10:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (lecture, room 4420) |
11:00-12:30 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (lecture, room 4420) |
14:00-15:00 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (exercises, room 4420) |
15:30-16:30 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (exercises, room 4420) |
Wednesday September 11
9:00-10:30 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (lecture, room 4420) |
11:00-12:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (lecture, room 4420) |
14:00-15:00 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (exercises, room 4420) |
15:30-16:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (exercises, room 4420) |
Thursday September 12
9:00-10:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (lecture, room 4420) |
11:00-12:30 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (lecture, room 4420) |
14:00-15:00 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (exercises, room 4420) |
15:30-16:30 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (exercises, room 4420) |
Friday September 13
9:00-10:30 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (lecture, room 4420) |
11:00-12:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (lecture, room 4420) |
14:00-15:00 | Parameterized algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems (exercises, room 4420) |
15:30-16:30 | The combinatorics of monadic stability, monadic dependence, and related notions (exercises, room 4420) |