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  • Informatické kolokvium 27. 11. Adaptive learning: research, development, and connections

    Informatické kolokvium 27. 11. 2018, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    doc. Mgr. Radek Pelánek, Ph.D., FI MU
    Adaptive learning: research, development, and connections
    Abstrakt: The goal of adaptive learning is to make learning more efficient and
    interesting by making it personalized for a particular student. In this talk, I
    will discuss the experience with the development of practically used adaptive
    learning systems and the research carried out by Adaptive Learning group at FI.
    I will also highlight connections of adaptive learning to other research areas,
    focusing specifically on topics studied at FI: machine learning, program
    analysis, similarity search, natural language processing, human-computer
    interaction, games, ...

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