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  • Informatické kolokvium 2. 10. Analytic models of large discrete structures

    Informatické kolokvium 2. 10. 2018, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    prof. RNDr. Daniel Kráľ, Ph.D., DSc., FI MU
    Abstrakt: The theory of combinatorial limits provides analytic tools to study
    large discrete structures. Such tools have found applications in various areas
    of computer science and mathematics. In particular, analytic representations of
    large graphs nourished progress on many difficult problems in extremal graph
    theory. We will present an introduction to this rapidly developing area of
    combinatorics and illustrate the range of its applications on several specific
    problems concerning graphs and permutations. We conclude with some of the future
    research directions related to the presented concepts.

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