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  • Informatické kolokvium 6. 12. Systems Theories contributes to Service Science

    Informatické kolokvium 6. 12. 2016, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    prof. Francesco Polese, University of Salerno
    Systems Theories contributes to Service Science
    Abstrakt: Service Science is a multicultural scientific domain addressing
    service systems, their desing, functioning, performance looking for the
    conditions and enablers of value co-creation in service exchanges. Service
    Systems are the focus of this research mainstream, indeed related to many other
    scientific domains such as that of big data analytics, management, engineering,
    legal sciences, marketing, human behavior, systems thinking. This latter, and in
    particular the Viable Systems Approach (VSA), supports the understanding of
    complex phenomena and with its theoretical suggestions, its postulates and
    fundamental concepts can be very useful to better understand service exchanges.
    A deepening of the VSA is hence most welcome in order to better manage decision
    making involving service systems, complex adaptive systems, complex service
    systems, smart service systems, smart cities and communities, and all topics
    interested by smarter planet initiative and by the service science community.

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