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The Odysseus Server now runs on a computer in the following configuration:

  • 2 eight-core processors
  • Twenty-four 2 TBs in RAID-10 configuration, ie 24 TB of logical capacity
  • 128 GB of RAM
  • The Fedora operating system


There are faculties here FTP a server that is one of the most widely used data archives on the CESNET network, contains local sources and mirrors of freely available software such as Linux distribution. It also runs public mailing lists about Linux and other topics related to free-to-use software.

The origin of the name

The name Odysseus comes from the Greek mythology: Odysseus (2nd fall of Odysseus, latin Ulixes) son of hero Lárert and his wife Antikleie, king of itha.

It is next to Hérakl and Thésea (and perhaps Ikara) the most famous hero of Greek myths and fabulous. His bravery, courage, endurance, and especially cleverness have come into the proverbs that still live today: "odyssey" is still the most striking name of a long and distressing journey. Homer, who promoted him to the title hero of his Odyssey, has a major influence on his popularity. As a hero without fear, though not always without a hanky, Odysseus came to life in countless works by Greek, Roman and modern artists; they actually live in them. While the Greeks rescued his human mistakes and weaknesses in the Greeks from transforming himself into a paper hero, the Romans changed him into a directly negative figure. The Romans, who considered themselves descended from the Trojans, apparently repented that he had the greatest share in the destruction of Troy from all the Achaean leaders.

Vojtech Zamarovsky: The gods and the heroes of ancient antiquities