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Computer networks and communications

  1. Graphs and graph algorithms. Formalization of basic graph concepts, representation of graphs. Context of graph, color, plane graphs. Algorithms (including complexity): searching the graph in width and depth, shortest distances, skeletons, flows in networks.
  2. Algorithms and data structures. Complexity analysis, amortized complexity. Algorithm design techniques (divide and conquer, dynamic programming, hunger strategies). Advanced data structures (heaps, union-find structures). Algorithms for working with strings (Karp-Rabin, KMP, Boyer-Moore algorithms, use of finite automata).
  3. Computer networks. Layers of network models, their functionality and interoperability, standardization. Network layer protocols, advanced IPv6 features, addressing, address space division. Routing: router architecture, routing protocol families, MPLS and TE. Transport protocols: UDP, mechanisms and variants of TCP, transport protocols for high-speed networks with high latency.
  4. Cryptography. Use of basic symmetric algorithms (AES), modes of operation of block ciphers. Use of basic asymmetric algorithms (RSA, DSA). Basic cryptographic protocols. Management of public keys, certification authorities and public key infrastructure.
  5. Security and authorization. User authentication in computer systems. IPsec protocol and its properties. Wireless network security, WEP, WPA, 802.1x protocols. Security in the Internet environment. Authorization, principles. Authentication and authorization link. Security policies, security management.
  6. Distributed systems. Synchronous and asynchronous systems, compliance problem. Choice in a distributed environment. Termination detection. Parallel computers, basic principles, interconnection networks and their structure. Grids, OGSA. Methodology of effective programming.
  7. Statistics. Probability theory, random variables and their probability distributions, Discrete and continuous random variables, examples of different types of distributions. Stochastically independent random variables, sequence of independent repeated attempts. Basic concepts. Law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Basics of statistical testing of hypotheses, interpretation of testing results.
  8. Self-organizing networks. Ad-hoc and sensor networks: architecture, properties, self-organization principle, media access protocols, ireactive and proactive routing methods. Application. P2P networks: types of architectures, classification according to various criteria, routing in P2P, selected P2P systems.
  9. Network technology. Wireless network technology, frequency, modulation, spectrum spreading, cellular and other organizations. Media access protocols. Optical networks, principles, protocols and components.
  10. Multimedia and collaboration environment. Multimedia technology. Input / output multimedia devices, conversion of analog and digital signals. Collaborative environment, audio / video interpersonal communication, content sharing. Audio and video distribution, multicast, the problem of security of multimedia transmissions. Video conferencing, tools and principles.