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Information Systems

  1. Algorithms and data structures. Complexity analysis, amortized complexity. Algorithm design techniques (divide and conquer, dynamic programming, hunger strategies). Advanced data structures (heaps, union-find structures). Algorithms for working with strings (Karp-Rabin, KMP, Boyer-Moore algorithms, use of finite automata).
  2. Mathematical logic. Propositional and predicate logic, syntax, semantics. Derivation systems, formal evidence. Correctness and completeness of derivation systems. Gödel's incompleteness theorems.
  3. Statistics. Descriptive statistics, functional and numerical characteristics of characters. Discrete and continuous random variables (NV), basic distribution. Numerical characteristics of NV. Central limit theorem. Point estimates, confidence intervals, testing of statistical hypotheses, level of significance. Basic parametric and nonparametric tests, ANOVA, NV independence tests. Linear regression, total F-test, partial t-tests.
  4. Software engineering. SW development process. Unified Process Methodology. Agile SW development. Testing phases and types of tests. Software metrics, code refactoring. Software quality. Estimation of costs and time of SW development. Maintenance and reusability.
    PA017, PA104
  5. Object-oriented methods of system design. Design patterns. Software architectures. Component interfaces, signatures and service constraints, OCL. Component systems and models, qualitative aspects of services (QoS). Object-oriented methods of software development, RUP.
  6. Database. Data storage, addressing of records. Indexing and hashing for multiple attributes, bitmap indexes, dynamic hashing. Query evaluation, transformation rules, statistics and estimates. Query and schema optimization. Transaction processing, outages and recovery. DB security, access rights.
  7. Computer networks. Basic concepts, principles, architectures. Connected and unconnected networks, OSI model, protocols in the Internet environment. Routing, basic computer network services, network administration and security.
    PA151, PA159
  8. IT security. Introduction to IT security, basic concepts and principles, IT security standards, evaluation criteria. Cryptography, its principles and use, key management and protocols. Data authentication, digital signature. User authentication, biometrics.
    PV080, popř. PV157
  9. Information systems and information processing. Reasons for the need for IS for management, their goals, problems of analysis and design. IS issues in the areas of production, state administration, healthcare, geography (according to the student's choice). Basics of search systems, evaluation of relevance of results, indexing techniques.
    PV028, PV043, PV019, PV211, PA128, atp.
  10. Data protection and information privacy. The concept of information privacy and relevant technical aspects, the influence of IT. Personal data protection and legislation. Ethics, professionalism and work with information. Transparency of the way information is handled. Public information services, providing information in state administration.
    PV080, popř. PV118