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Questions N-UCI Computer science teaching for secondary schools

Theoretical foundations of computer science

  1. Propositional logic. Syntax, semantics, derivational system of propositional logic, proofs in propositional logic, truth and provability of logical formulas. (IB000)
  2. Functions and Recursion. Recursive definition of functions, recursive data types (lists, trees), functions over recursive data types. (IB114)
  3. Data structures and their implementation. Abstract data types: list, array, stack, queue, binary tree, generic tree, search tree. Implementation of binary and search trees and operations on them. (IB113, IB114)
  4. Graphs. Types of graphs, trees, degree of vertices, directed graphs, graph representation. Depth-first and breadth-first graph search algorithms and their uses. Context components. (IB114)
  5. Sorting. Basic algorithms, sorting algorithms by heap, merging, dividing. (IB114)
  6. Regular languages. Regular languages, regular grammars, regular expressions, finite automata. Properties of regular languages, relationship between finite automata and regular grammars. (IB110)
  7. Finite automata. Definition, construction of finite automaton, minimization of finite automaton, conversion of non-deterministic finite automaton to deterministic automaton. (IB110)
  8. Computability. The Turing machine as a universal computing model. Stopping problem. Decidability and partial decidability, undecidability. Diagonalization. (IB110)
  9. Complexity. Algorithm complexity versus problem complexity. Complexity classes (P, NP, PSPACE) and relationships between them, examples of problems from individual classes. Difficulty and completeness of a problem in a given class, polynomial reduction of problems, NP-complete problems. (IB110)

Program, computer and information systems

  1. Computing systems I. Numerical systems, relationships between systems, display of a whole number in a computer, arithmetic. Codes, internal, external, detection and repair. Processors, their parameters and architectures. (PB150)
  2. Programming. Structured programming in an imperative language, data and control structures of programming languages, data types, procedures and functions, block and modular program structure. (IB113).
  3. Operating system. Architectures of operating systems, interfaces of operating systems. Processes, process synchronization, deadlocks, and deadlock protection methods. Working with memory, logical and physical address space, memory management and methods of its implementation. Scheduling in operating systems. (PB153)
  4. Computer networks. Topology, access methods and architectures of computer networks (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Token-ring, ATM, etc.). Wireless communication technology. The OSI model. TCP/IP protocol. Connecting computer networks and routing information. (PB156)
  5. Database I. Relational model, relational schema, keys of relational schemas, integrity constraints, relational algebra, joining of relations. (PB168)
  6. Database II. SQL query language (select command, joining sessions, aggregation functions). Processing inquiries. Basic principles, example. Indexing. Transaction. Transaction processing features.
  7. Software engineering. Software development. Requirements specification, system analysis and design, testing, verification and validation, system operation. Use of UML in software development. (PB007)

Didactics of informatics (only for one-field study plan)

The answer to a question from didactics of computer technology must include: inclusion of the given topic in the curriculum of the taught subject, specification of the student's initial knowledge, clarification of which information the student must know safely after discussing the topic (depending on the type of school) and which information is intended as an extension of the curriculum for talented students, motivational examples, presentation of the given topic using a suitable teaching method and suitable demonstration examples, methods of knowledge verification. When evaluating the answers to questions from didactics of computer technology, in addition to professional correctness, the form of interpretation will also be taken into account (with regard to the conduct of the lesson); the interpretation must respect the principles and principles of general didactics.

  1. Development of computer technology. Origin and development of basic programming languages. Future directions of computer technology development.
  2. Basics of algorithmization. Algorithm and its properties, design, method of notation and implementation of the algorithm. Programming languages, their division. Appropriate choice of programming language for solving the given problem.
  3. Basic data types, their distribution. Visual representation of data structures. Possibilities of using them to solve a specific problem. Dynamic data structures, their implementation and operations on them.
  4. Program structure. Control structures of programs, their syntax and semantics. Structured and object-oriented programming. Procedures and functions, methods of passing parameters. Recursion.
  5. Basic algorithms. Searching, sorting. Visualization of program execution, principles of program debugging and testing. Algorithm complexity and program optimization.
  6. Computer networks. Computer networks, the Internet and their services. Division of computer networks. Basic rules of security in computer networks, privacy protection. Copyright in relation to software and work with ICT. Work with information, its search, sorting and storage.
  7. Computer architecture. Basic principles and models of a computer system. Processors, memory and other devices of a modern computer system. Relationship between technical equipment, operating system and application software.
  8. IT management. Basic software from the user's point of view. Control of application software. Operation and administration of the application network and the operating system.
  9. Subject "Informatics and computer technology in primary/secondary school. Objectives and outline of the course. Curriculum for the given school level. Division of the curriculum into grades depending on the expected length of computer science teaching, continuity with other subjects. The concept of equipping the classroom and school with computer technology. Appropriate equipment depending on the type and focus of the school. A comprehensive plan for the development and use of ICT in the school.
  10. Informatics thinking. Creativity and divergent thinking. Design a divergent thinking test for your students. Are pupils with strongly divergent thinking more popular with teachers, or on the contrary less popular - and why?
  11. General pedagogy. Interpretation method. Its advantages and disadvantages. The pace of interpretation. Maintaining students' attention. Transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Interpretation technique.