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Programmable technical structures / Embedded systems

  1. Real Time Systems. Soft and hard real time systems. Real time scheduling: scheduling for periodic tasks, prioritized scheduling, resource access control. Modeling and verification of real time systems, timed automata.
  2. Formal Verification Methods. Abstraction. Counter-example guided abstraction refinement. Static analysis, abstract interpretation. Shape analysis. Software verification via automata, symbolic execution, and interpolation.
  3. Formal Verification Methods II. Specific techniques for verification of software systems, abstract interpretation, methods of abstraction and approximation, partial order reduction, counterexample guided abstraction refinement.
  4. Design of Digital Systems II. Methods of the combinational circuits design. Analyzes of the submission, algebraic, logical, graphical and algorithmic minimization methods, optimization based on the maximum operational frequency, minimum components or on the testability. Comparators, arithmetical circuits, multiplexers, demultiplexers, coders and decoders. Typical disturbing phenomenon - bangle crosstalk, jamming, reflections of electromagnetic impulses and impedance matching.
  5. Design of Digital Systems II. Methods of the sequence circuits design. Analyzes of the submission, techniques of a solution (state diagram, state table, application table), state coding and its influence on design, sequential automata and sequential machines. Design of flip-flops, registers, counters, sequencers and controllers.
  6. Digital Systems Diagnostics II. Design of fault tolerant systems, checking and testing of digital systems, checking circuits and checking modules of digital systems, simulation and test methodologies for digital circuits design, structures and principles of control configuration and degradation functionality of digital systems.
  7. Digital Systems Diagnostics II. Design and development of embedded systems. Safety, reliability and diagnostics of embedded systems. Modeling of digital systems reliability, structure redundancy, control and digital systems reliability. Worst case design and fault injection. Performance of embedded hardware and software.
  8. Architecture of Digital Systems II. Embedded systems building blocks - microcontroller, CPU, DMA, interrupt systems, bus structures, I / O subsystems, internal and external buses, I / O converters, timers / counters, watchdog timer, PWM, power save modes, memories (FLASH, EEPROM, SRAM).
  9. Architecture of Digital Systems II. Typical hardware of FPGA - embedded multipliers, PPC, ROM, RAM, PLL, NIOS, IP COREs and other modules. Implementation, simulation, testing and debugging of basic modules. Modeling of digital systems and digital circuits.
  10. Digital Signal Processing. Analogue to digital converter (ADC) and digital to analog converter (DAC), spectrum of a signal, time sampling and amplitude quantization of a signal, discrete fourier transform - DFT, FFT, parametric and nonparametric spectral estimation in use, using DSP in audio and telemetric applications.