INVS questions
Basics of informatics
- Complexity of algorithms and problems. A class of practically solvable problems. The meaning of the term NP-completeness.
IB110 - Turing machines and Church-Turing thesis. The concept of an undecidable and partially decidable problem.
IB110 - Automata and formal grammars as a tool for language recognition and generation.
IB110 - Programming languages: basic characteristics (compiled, interpreted, imperative, object-oriented, functional); differences between different types of languages; examples of programming languages; basic principles of object-oriented programming.
IB111 - Programming in imperative language: basic control structures (conditions, cycles), functions, recursion; basic data types; basic data structures (queue, stack, tree,…). State in the context of the chosen programming language.
IB111, IB002 - Classical algorithms: Euclidean algorithm, binary search, sorting algorithms, graph search in width and depth, graph skeleton.
IB111, IB002 - Relational model: relational schema, schema keys, integrity constraints. Basics of indexing and hashing, B + trees.
PB168 - SQL: command syntax and semantics; commands for querying and updating data; aggregation functions; session merging; data definition commands. Transaction processing: transaction definition, properties.
PB168 - Basics of SW development and data modeling: creation of DFD, principles of structured analysis, UML diagrams (usage diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram), design of data structures, ER diagrams (entities, attributes, relationships), graphical expression, ERD conversion to relational model.
PB168 - Operating systems: architectures, operating system interfaces. File system: basic functions, principle of operation of selected file system; principles of file access control. Memory management: logical and physical address space; pagination; virtualization.
PB002, PB169 - Planning in operating systems: management and planning of processor activities; management and planning of I / O facility activities; processes and threads, process synchronization, deadlocks and deadlock protection methods.
PB002, PB169 - Computer networks: ISO / OSI model, the principle of operation of individual layers, their protocols with emphasis on application layer protocols, network elements. Basics of security in computer networks: firewall; data, computer and user authentication.
PB002, PB169 - Computer networks: connected and unconnected networks, differences and examples. IP networks: architecture; IPv4 and IPv6 network and transport protocols, their properties; addressing and basic routing mechanisms.
PB002 - Basics of computer systems: von Neuman's scheme of a computer, its components and the principle of operation. Number systems: relations between number systems; display of numbers on a computer; real number display.
PB002 - Multimedia applications: analog to digital signal conversion; compression principles; audio and video transmission problems on networks. P2P networks: their principle and properties; differences from client-server architecture. Wireless networks: the principle of ad-hoc networks; sensor networks and their applications.
PB002, PB169
Public administration
- Principles of organization and activities of modern public administration. Personnel component of public administration. Control of public administration.
- Budgets of territorial self-governments in the system of public budgets: basic characteristics of ÚSC budgets, internal structure of ÚSC budget law, basic concepts of ÚSC budgets.
- Budget process of ÚSC budgets: Control of budget management, review of ÚSC management, final account of ÚSC.
- Organization of the SC: Legal regulation of organizational units, contributory organizations of the SC, management, relation to the founder, definition of assets, funds.
- The nature of the European Union and the former European Communities: the European Union as an international governmental organization with transnational features. The European Union in comparison with other international organizations and federations. Supranationality and its manifestations.
- Institutions of the European Union: European Parliament, Council, European Council, Commission, Court of Justice and other courts of the European Union. Their composition, establishment and role in comparison with typical state bodies.
- Primary and secondary law of the European Union: Nature, characteristics, sources and mechanisms of its creation. Principles of application in the Member States - priority and direct effect.
- The right to information and protection of personal data in the constitutional order of the Czech Republic (interpretation of general provisions of the Charter - Articles 1 to 4, further Articles 10, 17 and 35 of the Charter).
- Relations between legislative and executive power (basic starting points of the division of power, Art. 2 Constitutions, responsibility of the Chamber of Deputies - Art. 68n., Binding of the executive on laws - Art. 78, 79 of the Constitution).
- Constitutional foundations of territorial self-government (overview of the regulation in Art. 99-105 of the Constitution, further protection of the right to self-government in Art. 83 and Art. 87 of the Constitution).
- Administrative procedural law - concept, content (scope of the Administrative Procedure Code, subsidiarity of the Administrative Procedure Code, basic principles of activity of administrative bodies - content and meaning).
- Initiation and course of administrative proceedings (subjects of administrative proceedings, procedural concepts and institutes, means to ensure the course and purpose of proceedings).
- Administrative decisions (concept, types, features, legal force and enforceability, protection against inactivity of administrative bodies).
- Remedies and supervisory means according to the Administrative Procedure Code (concept, division, features, satisfaction of the participant after filing a lawsuit in the administrative judiciary).
- Administrative execution (conditions and forms of application, measures of a general nature, public contracts, so-called other acts of administrative bodies - the concept and features of these procedural procedures).
- Judicial review in the regime of administrative justice according to part five of the RIP (role and competence of the Supreme Administrative Court, Constitutional Court).
- Organization and nature of state administration and self-government. Forms of public administration activities. Guarantees of legality in public administration.
- Legal databases and legal information systems: Sources of legal information Publications of legislation and case law in the Czech Republic Internet portals of public institutions in the Czech Republic - Parliament of the Czech Republic, ministries, judicial authorities.
- eGovernment, eJustice and their basic institutes (public administration information systems, data boxes and delivery of electronic documents to public authorities, document conversion, electronic public procurement, eParticipation).
- eFinance (regulation of payment cards, bank money, electronic money and virtual money) Public registers, public sector information and personal data (public sector information, their reuse, protection of personal data in information systems, basic public administration registers and other public registers).
- Copyright and the Internet (legal protection of copyrighted works and computer programs, public licenses, DRM, legal aspects of copyright sharing). Legal aspects of the Internet (Internet jurisdiction, domain name law, Internet governance). Liability of ISPs (information society service providers) and unfair competition on the Internet (legislation, definition, typology).
- Sources of law in the Czech Republic. Subjects of law. Methods of interpretation of law.