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Circuit Architecture of embedded systems


Modeling of technical equipment of digital systems

To describe the technical equipment, means are used to describe the algorithms implemented by the technical equipment. The candidate will get acquainted with the basic theoretical approaches to the description of technical equipment structures. Modeling of technical equipment solves the problem of optimizing both the performance and the speed of execution of the proposed functions and, last but not least, the problem of synchronizing parallel implemented implicants and subfunctions of the system.

Introduction to Logic Circuit Design Using Verilog Language, Design of Digital Circuits Based on Behavioral Models of Combinational and Sequential Circuits, Synthesis of Combinational and Sequential Circuits, Controller Design and Synthesis, Programmable Logic Circuits and Memory Circuits, Algorithms and Architecture of Digital Processors, Architecture of Arithmetic Processors, Tasks reverse synthesis of circuits.

Basic study material:
  • John F. Wakerly: Digital Design Principles and Practices 4th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall 2006.
    ISBN 0-13-186389-4
Examiner: prof. Ing. Václav Přenosil, CSc. , doc. Ing. Pavel Čeleda, Ph.D. , doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Matěj, Ph.D.

Other recommended reading:
  • Michael D. Ciletti: Advanced Digital Design Verilog HDL. Prentice-Hall" Inc. 2003. ISBN- 978-0136019282
  • Mark Zwolinski: Digital System Design with VHDL. Pearson Education Limited 2004. ISBN 978-0130399854
  • Donald E. Thomas, Philip R. Moorby: The Verilog hardware description language. Springer, 2002
  • ALTERA: Advanced VHDL Design Techniques. WEB sources of the ALTERA company
  • Lucio Di Jasio et al.: PIC Microcontrollers: Know It All. Elsevier 2007. ISBN: 978-0-7506-8615-0
  • Tim Wilmshurst: Design Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers, Principles and Applications. Eseveier 2007. ISBN 978-0-7506-6755-5

Design of fault tolerant systems

There are no absolutely reliable systems. The possibility of failure is a fundamental feature of digital systems. When designing digital systems, it is necessary to design such a structure that ensures that the occurrence of a malfunction does not cause a fatal failure of the digital system as a whole.

Fundamentals of fault tolerance, Fundamentals of coding theory, Configuration of fault tolerant systems, Modeling of fault tolerant systems, Testing of embedded modules and systems, Redundancy - replacement - repair models, N-fold backup, Software reliability and recovery techniques of digital systems.

Basic study material:
  • Parag K. Lala: Self-Checking and Fault Tolerant Digital Design. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. 2001. ISBN:0-12-434370-8
Examiner: prof. Ing. Václav Přenosil, CSc. , doc. Ing. Pavel Čeleda, Ph.D. , doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Matěj, Ph.D.

Other recommended reading:
  • Shooman ML: Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks - Fault Tolerance, Analysis and Design. Wiley Interscience, 2002. ISBN 0-471-29342-3
  • Pankaj Jalote: Fault Tolerant in Distributed Systems. Prentice-Hall. 1994. ISBN:0-13-301367-7
  • Laung-Terng Wang, Charles E. Stroud, Nur A. Touba: System-on-chip Test Architectures. Elsevier Inc. 2008. ISBN 978-0-12-373973-5
  • Dhiraj Pradhan: Fault-Tolerant Computer System Design. Prentice-Hall, first edition, 1996. ISBN:0-13-057887-8

Reliability of digital systems

Students will learn the basics of reliability theory and its application to digital systems. Modeling the behavior of digital systems gives an idea of the system's behavior during its lifetime. Modeling of serviced systems makes it possible to describe both the reliability characteristics of individual parts of the systems, as well as the repair processes of technical equipment and the processes of system regeneration after an error, or degradation of the structure or performance.

Introduction to Reliability Theory, Fundamentals of Testing and the Role of Digital Circuit Modeling Languages, Test Design Using Verilog, Error and Fault Modeling, Fault Simulation and Their Applications, Fault Simulation Methods, Test Step Generation Algorithms, Deterministic Test Generation Algorithms, Test Design and Resources monitoring, IEEE Standard for Digital Circuit Testing, Built-in self-test facilities, Test compression, Memory testing and built-in memory self-test facilities.

Basic study material:
  • Zainalabedin Navabi: Digital System Test and Testable Design. Springer, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4419-7547-8
Examiner: prof. Ing. Václav Přenosil, CSc. , doc. Ing. Pavel Čeleda, Ph.D. , doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Matěj, Ph.D.

Other recommended reading:
  • Shooman ML: Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks - Fault Tolerance, Analysis and Design. Wiley Interscience, 2002. ISBN 0-471-29342-3
  • Sheldon M. Ross: Introduction to Probability Models. Academic Press, Inc. 1985. ISBN: 978-0-12-381445-6
  • Trivedi K.: Probability and Statistics with Reliability. Queuing, and Computer Science Applications. John Wiley and Sons, new edition, 2001. ISBN: 978-0-471-33341-8
  • Robin A. Sahner, Kishor Trivedi., Antonio Puliafito: Performance and Reliability Analysis of Computer Systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2012. ISBN:146 136 0056 (978 146 136 005 6)
  • Daniel P. Siewiorek, Robert S. Swarz: The Theory and Practice of Reliable System Design. AK Peters, third edition. 1983. ISBN:978-0932376176