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Registration and registration of subjects

By registering for a course, you express your interest in that course. You can also ensure that you will be able to enrol in the course.
Courses are registered in the Course Registration period and enrolled in the Course Enrolment and Course Enrolment Changes periods. These periods can be found in the Faculty Period Schedule.
Unproblematic registered courses are automatically enrolled for you once the Course Enrollment period begins.

Registration of subjects

Registration also provides information to instructors about how many students are interested in the course. Depending on the number of registered students, you can adjust the number of seminar groups announced or select an appropriately sized lecture room.
There is no obligation to register for courses. Even if you are automatically enrolled in a course, you can unenroll in the Course Enrollment and Course Enrollment Changes periods.

Registration waves

Some courses do have limited capacity and cannot be scaled to student demand. In this case, the time of course registration is the deciding factor.
In order to give preference to those students who are nearing the end of their studies and thus have less (perhaps last) opportunity to register for a course, there is a system of registration waves:
The longer you study and the more credits you have earned, the earlier registration is open to you.
Thus, in the first semesters, your course registration period starts a few days later than the schedule indicates.

Hassle-free registration

You may also register for courses above capacity. Your ranking will be saved, and if someone cancels their registration before you, it is possible that you will still fit within capacity.
If you fit within capacity and have met the prerequisites, your registration is seamless and your registered courses will be automatically enrolled at the beginning of the Course Enrollment Period. Other courses in the registration batch will not be enrolled, but there is still a chance that space will become available and you will be able to enroll in them.

You also have the advantage of registering for courses as early as midnight on the day the Course Enrollment Period begins. Manual course registration typically starts at 5:00 pm, followed by the start of Seminar Group Enrollment at 6:00 pm.
So you can address up to the Seminar Groups at 6:00 PM and not have to rush to finish enrolling your courses at 5:00 PM.

Enrolment of subjects

During the Enrolment period, the timetable and the final course capacities are already known and students can make their timetable for the semester.
Your schedule should only include what you can actually manage to take. In particular, be clear about where attendance is mandatory, where classes are held, and how much time transfers will take.

Changes to course registration

You have the first 14 days of the semester to try out courses, and if they don't meet your expectations, you can simply unenroll. Alternatively, you can still enroll in some new ones. Be sure to confirm your currently enrolled courses in ISU no later than the end of the Change of Enrolment period. The student's last confirmed list of enrolled courses is binding: you cannot cancel these courses.

For details on registration and enrolment of courses, please refer to the MU Study and Examination Regulations, Article 11.