E-learning at FI
The Information system of MU (IS MU) can be used not only for administrative tasks related to studies, but also for e-learning support of full-time study mode or combined form.
The user support with e-learning study materials is provided by e-technicians (e-learning applications of IS MU) and is-technicians (administrative applications of IS MU) and Service Center. If you think about multimedia support of your course, then don't hesitate and contact the Sercive Center that will help you realize your ideas.
IS-technicians, e-technicians and employees of Service Center are employees of Faculty of Informatics and they participate in realization of a project Centrum interaktivních a multimediálních studijních opor pro inovaci výuky a efektivní učení, kwhich is co-financed from Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness - 2.2 Higher education and Czech Republic Government Budget.