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Habilitation proceedings and proceedings for appointment to professor

Habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of a professor are conducted at MU in accordance with Sections 72 and 74 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education Institutions), in accordance with the "Regulations for Habilitation Proceedings and Proceedings for the Appointment of a Professor at MU" and MU Directive No. 7/2017 "Habilitation Proceedings and Proceedings for the Appointment of a Professor" (hereinafter referred to as the Directive).

The Faculty of Informatics of MU is accredited for habilitation and promotion to professor procedures in the field of Informatics. The Faculty does not collect fees from applicants.

Habilitation proceedings

In the habilitation procedure, the candidate's scientific or artistic qualifications are verified, in particular on the basis of the habilitation thesis and its defence and other scientific, professional or artistic works, and his/her pedagogical competence on the basis of the evaluation of the habilitation lecture and previous teaching experience.

The habilitation procedure is initiated by the submission of the candidate's written proposal, including the habilitation thesis and all attachments according to the guidelines, to the Dean of the Faculty by e-mail

Proceedings for appointment as professor

In the procedure for appointment as a professor, the pedagogical and scientific or artistic qualifications of a candidate who is a distinguished and recognised scientific or artistic personality in his/her field are demonstrated. A prerequisite for the initiation of the procedure is the previous appointment as associate professor on the basis of a habilitation procedure, provided that this included the submission of a habilitation thesis. In exceptional cases, where someone who is already a professor at a renowned university abroad is proposed for appointment as a professor, the Rector, on the proposal of the scientific or artistic board of the university, may waive the previous appointment as associate professor as a prerequisite for the commencement of the procedure for appointment as professor.

The procedure for appointment as professor shall be initiated on the proposal of the candidate supported by at least two written opinions of professors in the same or a related field or on the proposal of the dean submitted to the scientific council of the faculty. The procedure may also be initiated by the Faculty's Scientific Council on its own initiative. The proposal shall include annexes in accordance with the guidelines, which should be submitted to