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  • Obrázek

    Open Source Development Lectures at FI MU: Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)

    Welcome to the series of lectures about open source development aspects. The goal of lectures is to encourage you to join real-world open-source software development (in any programming language).

    Topics of the current lecture:

    Delivered by Vojtěch Trefný from Red Hat. 

    • CI/CD pipeline
    • Code style and documentation
    • Build tools
    • Tests and coverage
    • Packaging and publishing

    Lecture time: 31. 3. 21, 10:00-11:40

    When we offer the series’ following lectures?  7. 4., 28. 4., 5. 5. 

    Lecture room: The lectures will take place on Zoom, always in the following room: 

    Admission: All the lectures are public, open to anyone

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