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  • Informatické kolokvium 10.3. Planar graphs have bounded queue-number

    Informatické kolokvium 10.3. 2019, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    Piotr Micek Ph.D., Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Jagellonská
    univerzita, Krakov, Polsko
    Planar graphs have bounded queue-number
    Abstrakt: Stacks and queues are fundamental data structures in computer science.
    But what is more powerful, a stack or a queue? In 1992, Heath, Leighton, and
    Rosenberg developed a graph-theoretic formulation of this question, where they
    defined the graph parameters stack-number and queue-number which respectively
    measure the power of stacks and queues to represent a given graph. It is still
    open whether every graph has stack-number bounded by a function of its
    queue-number, or whether every graph has queue-number bounded by a function of
    its stack-number. Planar graphs were the simplest class of graphs where it was
    unknown whether the queue-number is bounded. (The stack number of planar graphs
    is at most 4.) We show that planar graphs have queue-number at most 48. The key
    to the proof is a new structural tool called layered partitions, and the result
    that every planar graph has a vertex-partition and a layering, such that each
    part has a bounded number of vertices in each layer, and the quotient graph has
    bounded treewidth. We call the latter result the product structure theorem for
    planar graphs. We will discuss further applications, including adjacency
    labelings, nonrepetitive colorings, and p-centered colorings.

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