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  • Informatické kolokvium 26.11. Aesthetic Computing and Computational Aesthetics

    Informatické kolokvium 26.11. 2019, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    prof. Kang Zhang, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas,
    Dallas, USA
    Aesthetic Computing and Computational Aesthetics
    Abstrakt: In this talk, we will introduce the recently emerging
    interdisciplinary research topics of computational aesthetics and aesthetic
    computing, and discuss their difference and complementary roles. As a case
    study, the theories and practices of abstract painting and their existing and
    potential applications in information visualization will be presented in the
    context of aesthetic computing. We discuss the three dimensions of painting,
    i.e. form, color, and texture, various visual cognition principles, and finally
    aesthetic compositions used in abstract painting. Our objective is to bridge
    visual art with information visualization, so that the latter could learn from
    the former in creating more aesthetic visualizations and thus making the viewers
    visualizing process a pleasant experience. In the context of computational
    aesthetics, we provide a classification scheme on the complexity of intelligence
    in generative art with example of generation approaches. Based on Birkhoff’s
    work on aesthetic measure, we review several recent attempts in computational
    approaches to aesthetic measurement and complexity measurement for art works.

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