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  • Informatické kolokvium 22.10. Secure integration of demand side flexibility to power systems

    Informatické kolokvium 22.10. 2019, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    Ing. Martin Střelec, Ph.D., NTIS ZČU Plzeň
    Ing. Ondřej Mamula, MBA, CIIRC ČVUT Praha
    Secure integration of demand side flexibility to power systems
    Abstrakt: The electricity power domain is facing unprecedented system changes
    initiated by increasing penetration of novel technologies (e.g. massive
    installation of renewables, energy storages at various levels) and market
    arrangements (e.g. market integration, new market entities), which increases the
    volatility in power system, which needs to be properly managed in order to keep
    system reliability. On the other hand, traditional resources for power network
    stabilization are decreasing due change of energy mix. Demand side flexibility
    stands for a promising mechanism for enhancement of power network stabilization.

    The contribution will introduce power system flexibility, where main focus will
    be put on the demand side. The talk will cover description of whole value chain
    of secure flexibility integration in the context of the SecureFlex project.
    Different aspects will be presented ranging from the flexibility harvesting on
    demand side to market product creation with emphasis on cost optimization and
    maintaining network security and power quality.

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