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  • Informatické kolokvium 23.4. What is the best timeout?

    Informatické kolokvium 23. 4. 2019, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    RNDr. Vojtěch Řehák, Ph.D., FI MU
    What is the best timeout?
    Abstrakt: We all have some experience with deadlines, and we know how hard it
    is to deliver results in time, especially when some obstacles with an uncertain
    solving time may occur. In this talk, we deal with formalisms suitable for
    modeling and analysis of such systems, i.e., reflecting both timeouts and
    actions taking stochastic continuous time. We show how this kind of stochastic
    timed systems can be modeled and what properties can be computed for such
    models. On surprisingly small examples we also demonstrate some fundamental
    limits of such models. Then we will consider that some parts of the model are
    unknown and we take them as parameters that we would like to synthesize
    automatically. Finally, we will present results allowing for the synthesis of
    (epsilon)-optimal timeouts in such systems.

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