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  • Informatické kolokvium 20. 12. Permutations - quasirandomness and property testing

    Informatické kolokvium 20. 12. 2016, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    prof. Daniel Kráľ, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick
    Permutations - quasirandomness and property testing
    Abstrakt: The theory of combinatorial limits offers analytic tools to represent
    and analyze large discrete objects. In the talk, we first present a
    self-contained introduction to the theory and we then focus on three
    applications concerning large permutations. The first is a characterization of
    quasirandom permutations by pattern densities, which resolves a question of
    Graham. The second is the permutation analogue of the result of Erdos, Lovasz
    and Spencer on the independance of densities of subgraphs. This result is then
    used in the third application, which concerns property and parameter testing
    algorithms, i.e., algorithms that provides a correct answer based on a small
    random sample of their input with high probability.

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