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Bakalářské a magisterské studium

  • Přednáška IT služby

    Pozvánka na přednášku týkající se nových oblastí zaměření a uplatnění absolventů
    Kdy: 1.11. 2006 od 16:15 - 17:??
    Kde : Fakulta informatiky, učebna D3

    Přednášející z fy IBM: David Graves (On Demand Services & Enterprise Systems Management, Executive I/T Architect)
    Paul Kontogiorgis ( SSME Ambassador, IT Services Curriculum Program Director)

    Název přednášky: IT Service Management
    Agenda : Services Overview (including definition, economic trends, IBM Services) IT Services Curriculum Program Overview (inlcuding IT Services definition, topics/courses/curricula, value for academia and industry) Real world customer IT Service experiences

    Abstract: The IT services talk will begin with a brief definition of all services followed by an overview of the various services delivered by IBM. From there the talk will focus on IT with definitions of IT services and IT service management. Following IT service management will be a broad overview of IT services and discussion and examples of individual IT services. The talk will include a survey of the global IT services marketplace, current and future job opportunities, and conclude with descriptions of university courses and curricula that prepare students for the those job opportunities.