Archiv zpráv a událostí

Bakalářské a magisterské studium

  • WUG seminar: Multithreading from hardware to design patterns

    Dear students,

    WUG Brno would like to invite you to a seminar on topic "Multithreading from
    hardware to design patterns" with a widely recognized expert in aspect-oriented
    programming Gael Fraiteur from PostSharp Technologies. The seminar will take
    place at Microsoft Inovační Centrum.

    Place: Microsoft Inovační Centrum (Budova 2) ▪ U Vodárny 2 ▪ Brno.
    Date and time: Monday 17th June 2013 ▪ 17:00-20:00 (estimated)
    Speaker: Gael Fraiteur (Founder and Principal Engineer ▪ PostSharp Technologies)

    Language: English
    Organizer: Windows Users Group (WUG) Brno

    More information at or in an
