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  • Informatické kolokvium 28. 11. Software Architectures and Techniques for Compliance Monitoring . . .

    Informatické kolokvium 28. 11. 2017, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uwe Zdun, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna
    Software Architectures and Techniques for Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
    Abstrakt: IT compliance means in general complying to regulations that apply to
    an IT system. There are many other rules and constraints in a software system
    that have characteristics similar to IT compliance rules stemming from
    regulations, including security policies, business rules, QoS rules, deployment
    rules, and even architecture conformance rules. In this talk, we discuss
    software architectures and techniques for automated compliance monitoring and
    enforcement. Goals are to enhance the automation in compliance controls and make
    compliance controls easier to implement, reuse, and change - and thus less
    costly. We will discuss different categories of compliance checking techniques,
    like those that check at design time, runtime, or after runtime, and those that
    are primarily focussed on structures or behaviors. Further we discuss the need
    and techniques for involving domain experts more closely, as well as
    semi-automatic guidance for control definition, monitoring, and enforcement.

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