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  • Informatické kolokvium 21. 11. Segmentation and Tracking of Spiky Cells

    Informatické kolokvium 21. 11. 2017, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    RNDr. Martin Maška, Ph.D., FI MU
    Segmentation and Tracking of Spiky Cells
    Abstrakt: To monitor their surroundings and to promote their movement, motile
    cells protrude spikes. Although modern fluorescence microscopy allows us to
    observe spiky cells at unprecedented spatio-temporal resolutions, a fully 3D
    image analysis approach to automatically quantifying the behavior of spikes is
    still lacking. In this talk, we briefly explain crucial aspects of such a
    quantitative task and present our recent advances in the field, demonstrating
    how convolutional neural networks combined with realistic computer-generated
    image data help to increase segmentation and tracking performance beyond that of
    traditional image analysis approaches without machine learning.

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