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Page operations

Create a new page

  • Doporučený začátek

    Zkontrolujte svá práva

    You can only create a page where you have the right to do so.

    In the above listing, look for the right values wiki_edit, which are of the form /webfi2016/ADRESA(/.*)? and have the icon , indicating that you can create or edit any page starting with ADRESA.

  • Rozmyslete si adresu stránky

    The page address should follow several rules and conventions:

    1. The address should be in English for the Czech pages as well
    2. use hyphens ( -) instead of underscores ( _) to separate words
    3. use only lower case letters
    4. if you are creating a page in a new directory, make sure there is an index
      e.g. before creating /lab/aperture-science/contact.html, make sure /lab/aperture-science/index.html also exists
    5. the page title should be related to the content of the page
    6. the file extension is .html for both HTML5 and Markdown formats, do not use .sxhtml or .md!
  • Vytvořte stránku ve wiki

    In the browser address field, type

    where ADRESA is the address of the page you want to create. This page will then be available on the official website as

    Vytvoření stránky

    Click on the Create button

    Potvrzení vytvoření

    Check the address of the page and confirm its creation by clicking on Create .

    If you do not want to publish the page immediately on the official website, check Hidden. When you are happy with the page in the wiki, uncheck this option to publish it.

  • Přejděte do editačního režimu

    Vlastnosti stránky

    Because the wiki uses a versioning system, the text of the page must be saved in a revision. So go to the revision management by clicking on Revisions .

    Úprava revize

    Then continue by clicking Edit revision. .

    If you want to create a page in English, click on the link in the top right corner of the English
    and then click Edit Revision to continue anyway .

  • Vyplňte nadpis stránky

    Základní údaje

    Fill in the Full Title and Short Title information. The former is used as the page title, the latter in the breadcrumb navigation.

    Leave the input format to HTML5. Do not use SXHTML!

  • Hotovo, můžete editovat

    In the box below the basic page information, you can start typing the page source code.

Editing a page

  • Otevřete stránku ve wiki

    If you found the page you want to edit on the official faculty web site, where the address is in the form https://, go into edit mode by clicking on the pencil icon at the bottom of the page.

    Žlutá čára

    This will take you to a page with an address in the form https://

  • Přejděte do editačního režimu

    Úprava revize
  • Editujte stránku

    You can check partial edits to the page without saving by clicking the Preview button. The specific method of editing the page depends on the format you choose, see the manuals for Markdown or HTML5.

  • Nezapomeňte uložit

    When you are happy with the revision and want to save it, click Save . If everything is OK, the message Revision saved successfully will appear and the new version of the page will appear on the official website within two hours.

    Uložení stránky

    Beware, if an error appears in the page header with the message Revision not saved!, you must correct all errors and try to save the page again before saving. Do not close your browser or you will lose all your changes!

    Chyby uložení
  • Vraťte se na oficiální web

    Click on the same pencil icon at the bottom of the page as in the first point to return to the official site. The old version of the page may still be displayed here.

Deleting or hiding a page

  • Otevřete stránku ve wiki

    In the same way as in the instructions for editing the page.
  • Zobrazte vlastnosti stránky

    Vlastnosti stránky

    First click on the Page Properties button

    Upravit vlastnosti stránky

    Here you have the choice to hide or delete the page only.

  • Skrýt nebo smazat?

    The preferred option is to hide the page. A hidden page will not appear on the official faculty website, it only exists in the wiki, but can serve as a base for other pages. Deleting it will also lose the edit (revision) history where useful information may be stored.

    Hiding a page

    Click on Edit Properties .

    Skrytí stránky

    Check Hidden and click Save . The page will disappear from the official faculty website within two hours.

    Deleting the page

    Click Delete Page . Read the warning.

    Smazání stránky

    If you understand what you are about to do, click on I understand the warning above and know what I am doing, then click on Delete .

Rename the page

  • Otevřete stránku ve wiki

    In the same way as the instructions for editing the page.
  • Zobrazte vlastnosti stránky

    Vlastnosti stránky
  • Přejmenujte stránku

    Upravit vlastnosti stránky

    Enter the new page address. Then click the Save button. You cannot enter an existing address or the operation will end with an error.

  • Opravte odkazy na tuto stránku

    If you know of pages that linked to the original address, correct the addresses there, otherwise they won't work. You can use our link checker for this - see the FI Web Management section on the Faculty Administration signpost and check links there.