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Thesis supervisors approved by the Scientific Council

Head of Undergraduate Theses:

Mgr. Mgr. Břoušek Pavel
Mgr. Mgr. Coufal Jaromír
Mgr. Ing. Čegan Jakub
Mgr. Matoušek Adam
Ing. Ostřížek František
Mgr. Ing. Šeda Pavel
Mgr. Wittner Rudolf

Head of Diploma Theses:

Mgr. Mgr. Antol Matej
Mgr. Mgr. Antol M.A. Antol M.A. Klíč Karel
RNDr. Klusáček Dalibor, Ph.D.
Mgr. Vinkler Marek
RNDr. Martin Vizváry
Mgr. Vlček Ivan
Ing. Žabička Petr

Date of last update: 25 May 2023