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KA3 - Poster Competition

An important factor in improving the quality of study and its graduates is continuous feedback, which in many cases can best be obtained in a competitive form. As a rule, it motivates for higher performance and, by appropriate setting of the assessment method, makes it possible to distinguish not only above-average and under-average students, but also long-term trends in the change of quality of work and its results. Since introducing the elements of competition, we also promise to increase student interest in placement among the best students and thus to abandon the dangerous trend of fulfilling the study obligations in a minimal form.

For this purpose, we plan to significantly expand the poster conference and supplement it with a competition, which will also include the evaluation of the poster quality and the presented results by the branch council, respectively. appointed by the Commission. In this evaluation committee we also count on representatives of industrial partners. The poster conference and competition will take place at the end of each semester, each student will have to attend at least once and at most twice.

To ensure the highest possible quality of the posters, a new subject of the DPRPO "Preparing posters for the competition" will be published. This course will be led by trainers consultants who will provide students with support and assistance in the formal poster processing.

We assume the participation of 40 students in the competition each semester, the assistance will be organized in two groups of 20 students.