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CRoCS (Center for Research on Cryptography and Security) enables students to verify in the form of experiments acquired theoretical and descriptive knowledge in the field of information technology security, which is one of the important areas of educational and research activities of faculty staff. Our laboratory is used by students of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies who can focus on security in computer networks (wired and wireless), security of smart cards and their cryptographic applications, biometric authentication and use of cryptography for creation and operation of secure systems.

CRoCS focuses among others on network security experiments, some experiments in the field of "brute force" attacks, evaluation of large data from monitoring systems, knowledge of working with advanced authentication tools based on biometrics, smart cards and other physical Authentication tools, experiments with attacks on smart card tools, cryptographic hardware module, etc. Selected CRoCS students also focus on research in the field of wireless sensor networks (WSN).

The laboratory was created to provide the conditions for conducting experiments in the student's work in their semester work (preferably within the courses PA018 , PA193 ) as well as bachelor and master theses. Teaching of laboratory exercises in security and applied cryptography - subjects PV181 , PV204 and PA193 - covers 5 areas: cryptography; secure programming; smart cards; biometric systems; security of computer networks and operating systems.

Our aim is to create an environment in which students will be able to sufficiently acquaint themselves with the available technologies and, for example, to try different types of attacks in the laboratory subjects and final works. The laboratory equipment is also available for projects in cooperation with industrial partners and relevant state institutions.