Program kolokvií s abstrakty pro semestr Jaro 2005

1. 3. 2005
Prof. RNDr. Jan Kratochvíl DrSc., MFF KU, Praha
The frequency assignment problem: from mobile phones to graph isomorphism
8. 3. 2005
Prof. Renate Motschnig, Universität Wien
Soft-skills for IT people: initial experience with putting theory and practice
Abstract: While designing the "Computer Science and Business Informatics" Curriculum at the University of Vienna we asked IT professionals the question: "Which skills does industry require from IT graduates?" Social skills headed the list, followed by the capability to work in teams and think in abstract terms.
This presentation focuses on our theory-guided, practical approach towards the development of soft skills in the context of academic courses on project management, web-engineering, and person-centered communication. We find it particularly challenging and relevant to address social skills with humanistic educational principles, while combining face-to-face meetings and e-learning elements. We support e-learning with open-source CEWebS (Cooperative Environment Web Services) modules developed at our department. We will share selected course scenarios, practical experiences and evaluation results. Finally, we discuss initial findings on conditions, under which students' motivation is increased and they indicate to profit more than in conventional courses.
15. 3. 2005
Prof. M. Dokulil, Doc. I. Kopeček, Dr. J. Thomas, FI MU Brno
Bach, Goedel and Informatics (Dedicated to the 320th anniversary of Bach's birth and to the 70th anniversary of Goedel's papers on the consistency of the axiom of choice.)
Abstract: What is it about Bach's music that so fascinates and enchants so many mathematicians and computer scientists? What are the parallels between Bach's music and Goedel's work, and between baroque music and today's informatics? There are many such questions, which are both controversial and provocative, while at the same time being inspiring and fascinating. This presentation will touch on some of these points and attempt to illustrate them, in the languages of music as well as in informatics.
22. 3. 2005
Doc. Luděk Matyska CSc., Dr. Eva Hladká PhD., UVT+FI, MU Brno
Large data volumes, distance, and space -- challenge for distributed environment
Abstract: Collaborative environments are becoming tightly coupled with large scale distributed systems (Grids). In these environments, a person plays the role of end node, where sensoric interaction is mediated through appliances that digitize audio, video, and sometimes other (e.g., haptic) signals. These digital data are further processed, transmitted over a network and on the other side (or sides in case of multipoint collaboration) transformed back to sensoric signals. The data could also be combined with output from programs directly generating digital equivalent of sensoric signals. Permanent increase of quality of capture and projection systems leads to substantial increase of data volume that must be generated, processed, transmitted and eventually multiplied within the network. The classical Internet protocols widely deployed and studied were designed for speeds at range of tens of Mbps, while the actual high end collaboration environment data streams are the level of Gbps (e.g., the High Definition TV could generate around 1.3 Gbps stream in one direction). The basic challenge lies in capture (or generation), (multicast) transport, latency minimization over large distances, and transformation back to analog (sensoric) signals on the receiving nodes, while keeping the highest quality of service. This leads to R&D in optical networks for the high speed data transfer, overlay networks to provide the multicast and network internal processing capability, and encoding and decoding protocols -- part of this research is performed at FI in collaboration with Institute of Computer Science and CESNET. The presentation will be concluded with discussion of activities necessary to support international demonstration of multicast low latency HDTV based collaborative environment, spanning Brno, Baton Rouge and San Diego.
29. 3. 2005
Doc. Michal Kozubek, PhD., FI MU Brno
Zpracování nových typů obrazových dat v optické mikroskopii
Abstract: Nové trendy v molekulární biologii vedou k novým způsobům snímání obrazových dat v optické mikroskopii. Vznikají tak nové typy obrazových dat, se kterými si musí poradit počítačová analýza obrazu. Typickými příklady jsou DNA microarrays (sledování aktivity tisíců genů zároveň na jednom sklíčku) a in vivo imaging (pozorování chování živých buněk a jejich komponent v čase). Tyto dva druhy studií nyní ve světě dominují. Také Laboratoř optické mikroskopie FI MU se těmto dvěma oblastem intenzívně věnuje, a to jak po stránce molekulárně biologické, tak optické a informatické. Přednáška bude zaměřena na část informatickou.
5. 4. 2005
Doc. Pavol Voda, CSc., FMFI Komenského univerzita, Bratislava
Specification and Verification of Declarative Programs
Abstract: We will present and demonstrate a functional programming language and proof system CL (Clausal Language) which treats programs as functions over natural numbers. The coding into natural numbers of the usual data structures used in computer programming is quite simple and very natural. CL is similar to LISP in spirit, but it is a thoroughly modern programming language. CL is implemented as a server communicating with the user through a web browser (we use Mozilla). Programs and their properties are presented in a very readable mathematical form in MathML which is an extension of XML and HTML. The coding of data structures into natural numbers permits the use of the basic logical theory of arithmetic, so called Peano Arithmetic, as the formal theory in which the programs written in CL are specified and verified to be correct. CL is used at the University of Bratislava in three courses teaching Declarative programming, Mathematical logic, and Specification and verification of programs.
12. 4. 2005
Prof. Ing. Bořivoj Melichar, DrSc., FEL CVUT, Praha
Opakování v textu a konečné automaty
Abstract: V prezentaci je uvedena obecná metoda nalezení repetic v textu. Na začátku je uvedena klasifikace repetic. Dále je uvedena obecná metoda pro nalezení přesných repetic v jednom řetězci a konečné množině řetězců. Přitom je použita metoda analýzy podmnožin (d-subsets) vzniklých při determinizaci nedeterministického faktorového automatu. Tyto podmnožiny obsahují všechny informace, které se týkají repetic faktorů. Princip analýzy těchto podmnožin je pak použit pro nalezení přibližných repetic pro různé vzdálenosti v obecných a uspořádaných abecedách. Je také zmíněna možnost nalezení repetic v případě přítomnosti "don't care" symbolů.
19. 4. 2005
Doc. Ivan Kopeček, CSc., FI MUNI, Brno
Dialogue Modeling
Abstract: Natural language dialogue is a very complex communicative process of great importance, not only with respect to human-computer interaction, but also to other fields such as collaborative theory, speech recognition and synthesis, user modeling, computational psychology and many others. To understand and manage it, abstract models are often used, enabling the situation to be simplified and applying powerful general theories, which include the theory of formal languages and automata, universal algebra and game theory. In this presentation, some of the formal approaches will be outlined with the intention of showing the beauty and variety of the related problems. An application designed for the synthesis of the dialogue system will be presented as well.
26. 4. 2005
Doc. Luboš Brim, CSc., FI MUNI, Brno
Paralelní a distribuované metody verifikace
Abstract: Automatizovaná verifikace je výpočetně náročný proces. Z praktického hlediska je proto velice často limitujícím faktorem dostupnost dostatečných výpočetních zdrojů. V přednášce bude podán přehled o současném dění v oblasti využití kumulované síly paralelních počítačů k řešení obtížných verifikačních problémů. Budou diskutovány používané techniky a algoritmy a zhodnoceny dosažené výsledky. Rovněž se pokusíme naznačit možné směry, kterými se může výzkum v této oblasti ubírat.
3. 5. 2005
Doc. RNDr. Roman Ďurikovič, Ph.D., Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava
Soap dynamics: bubble formation, clustering, collision and popping
Abstract: What is happening when a soap bubble floats on the air? How do bubbles coalesce to form beautiful three-dimensional clusters? The physical-based model and animation described herein provide the answers. We introduce a complete computer simulation of soap bubbles from a dynamic perspective, which should prove to be of great interest to physicists and mathematicians. We discuss the dynamic formation of irregular bubble clusters and how to animate bubbles. The resulting model takes into account surface tension, film elasticity, and shape variations due to gravity, external wind and stress forces.
10. 5. 2005
Prof. Edmund Burke, University of Nottingham, UK
New Heuristic and Meta-heuristic Approaches in Cutting and Packing
Abstract: In this talk, I will give an overview into our recent research on cutting and packing that has led to the formation of a new spin out company. I shall detail some of the new heuristic approaches that we have developed in rectangular and irregular packing. I will demonstrate the strength of these approaches, both in terms of the improved quality of the solutions produced and enhancements to the representation of solutions. Using a large set of test data taken from the literature we have compared the new approaches to previously published methods taken from the cutting and packing research community over the last 20 years. We have improved upon all of the published literature benchmarks for both the rectangular and irregular problems with an average improvement of 5% on each and shorter run-times. I will also give an overview of the extensions to this work that are conducted through new projects and detail new opportunities that have arisen.
17. 5. 2005
Prof. Vilém Novák, DrSc., Univerzita Ostrava
O principech a potenciálu fuzzy logiky
Abstract: Fuzzy logiku lze charakterizovat jako speciální matematickou disciplínu, jejímž cílem je poskytnout prostředky pro modelování fenoménu vágnosti a modelování způsobu lidského uvažování, které v podstatné míře používá přirozený jazyk. Rozlišujeme fuzzy logiku v užším (FLn) a širším smyslu (FLb). V užším smyslu jde o celý systém vícehodnotových formálních logik. FLb je rozšířením FLn o některé další aspekty: model sémantiky části přirozeného jazyka (zejména tzv. evaluačních jazykových výrazů), interpretaci tzv. fuzzy IF-THEN pravidel a jejich použití jednak v modelu lidského uvažování a také pro aproximaci funkcí. Součástí přednášky bude demonstrace software LFLC 2000, který uvedené teoretické výsledky realizuje a diskutovány možnosti jeho praktického použití.