Program kolokvií pro semestr Podzim 1997

Program pro Podzim 1997 s abstrakty
30. 9. 1997
Dr. Martin Schoenhacker, Vienna University of Technology
Visualization of Algorithms
7. 10. 1997
Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Kral, KU Praha, FI Brno
Horizontalni integrace softwaru
14. 10. 1997
Prof. Dr. Alexander Leitsch, TU Vienna
Resolution Decision Procedures and Automated Model Building
21. 10. 1997
Dr. Pavol Sevecek, FI Brno
Slovniky nove generace
4. 11. 1997
Doc. Petr Jancar, CSc, Technicka univerzita, Ostrava
Petriho site (osobni pohled)
11. 11. 1997
Dr. Jiri Sgall, MU CAV Praha
Multiparty communication complexity
18. 11. 1997
Professor Dr. Hermann Maurer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Content management and training aspects on large Web sites
2. 12. 1997
Doc. Pavol Voda CSc, Ustav informatiky, MFF UK, Bratislava
Computer programming as mathematics
9. 12. 1997
Profesor Jiri Zlatuska, CSc, FI MU, Brno
Stepping stones to an information society
16. 12. 1997
Dr. Jana Kosecka PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Intelligent highway systems - From theory to practice and back to theory