Informace o projektu

The tool wrapper generator for python programs developed for the Galaxy platform

Kód projektu MUNI/33/0763/2022 CEP CORDIS MU WEB INET MU
Doba řešení 01.07.2022–30.09.2022
Stav ukončený
Investor Masarykova univerzita
Program Interní projekty FI
Řešitel za FI
Členové realizačního týmu za FI


Anotace je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce.

The goal of this project is to facilitate the integration of new tools into workflow management systems, specifically into a popular scientific workflow system Galaxy. This will be achieved via the integration of PyGalGen into the existing wrapper generator tool Planemo. As a result, the users who wish to provide their newly developed python-based tools via Galaxy will be able to wrap them much more easily.

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