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  • Habilitační přednáška pro odbornou veřejnost Parag Kulkarniho, Ph.D., DSc

    Předseda habilitační komise prof. Matyska zve všechny zájemce na habilitační
    přednášku pro odbornou veřejnost pana Parag Kulkarniho, Ph.D., DSc. Přednáška
    proběhne v rámci Informatického kolokvia na Fakultě informatiky MU v posluchárně
    D2 v úterý 23.10.2012 od 14 hod.

    Paradigm of Systemic Machine Learning and Its Role in Knowledge Innovation and
    Knowledge Discovery
    Abstrakt: The advent of new and penetrating tools and technologies of
    information retrieval has changed the face of information processing. Tons and
    tons of information in unstructured/semi-structured form with verbose comments -
    networked in profound way is at our disposal. This creates new challenges in the
    field of knowledge management, machine learning and information processing. The
    traditional Knowledge Management and Machine Learning techniques are no longer
    relevant and hence handicap knowledge workers. These techniques typically fail
    to capture cadence of organic activity and relevant patterns among dependencies
    and hence fail to build overall context and pertinent knowledge. The last decade
    was about value innovation. Where strategic significance of the activities and
    initiative was measured in terms of direct value creation and value delivered.
    The value innovation lacks sustainability. While the businesses are moving
    towards knowledge based foundations with more and more intelligence - there is
    more need of knowledge innovation and systemic machine learning for sustainable
    value creation. Knowledge innovation is sustainable value creation with systemic
    approach and holistic learning. It is based on systemic value creation through
    systemic learning and with the effective use of knowledge. Learning is involved
    greatly in knowledge innovation and hence machine learning can play a key role
    in knowledge innovation. This talk introduces innovative concept of Systemic
    Machine Learning and knowledge innovation and what their role along with the
    contributions by author in introducing new paradigms in ML and KM and applying
    them for value creation.

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