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  • Přednáška pro odbornou veřejnost v rámci habilitačního řízení Mouzhi Ge, Ph.D.

    Jménem předsedy habilitační komise prof. Tvrdíka si dovolujeme pozvat všechny
    zájemce na přednášku pro odbornou veřejnost v rámci habilitačního řízení pana
    Mouzhiho Ge, Ph.D. Přednáška pod názvem "Recommender System Research in
    E-Commerce" bude proslovena v úterý 22.5. 2018 od 14 hod v posluchárně
    D2 v rámci informatického kolokvia.
    Abstrakt přednášky:Over the last decade, recommender systems have been widely
    applied in e-commerce, for example, video recommendations in Youtube, book
    recommendation on Amazon, and movie recommendation on Netflix. Recommender
    systems are developed to help users find relevant products that may interest
    them. The goal of recommender systems is to reduce the information overload and
    provide personalized recommendations for users. In this talk, I will discuss the
    state-of-the-art research of recommender system in E-Commerce, which includes
    rationale and algorithms inside the recommender black box, important features
    and evaluations in recommender systems. Finally, a real-world food recommender
    system project in E-Commerce will be described and demonstrated to show how to
    construct and evaluate the recommender system in practice, as well as possible
    challenges that are related to the food recommender systems.

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