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  • Přednášky pro odbornou veřejnost v rámci habilitačního řízení

    Vážení, jménem předsedů habilitačních komisí si Vás dovoluji pozvat na přednášky pro odbornou veřejnost v rámci habilitačních řízení:
    Ing. RNDr. Barbora Bühnová, Ph.D., FI MU
    Název: Quality-Driven Software Architecture Design
    Abstrakt: Software architecture design is one of the key activities in any software engineering process. The decisions made during software architecture design have significant implications for economic and quality goals related to the developed software product. To better guide the software architect along the design process and prevent an evaluation of an enormous number of design alternatives, various architectural tactics have been introduced. Generally, these tactics are designed to improve a specific quality attribute, but often declare an additional cost in terms of degrading the architecture with respect to other quality attributes. It is the task of the software architect to evaluate various solutions and determine a good trade-off between all existing quality and cost goals. In this lecture, we discuss the concepts that make up the field of quality-driven software architecture design. We will focus on the basics, best practices, as well as the challenges that are currently studied by the research community.
    Přednáška bude proslovena v úterý 2. května 2017 v posluchárně D2 od 15 hod.

    RNDr. Barbora Kozlíková, Ph.D., FI MU
    Název:Visualization of molecular structures – currently used methods and future challenges
    Abstrakt: In this talk I will present a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art techniques that have been developed in the fields of molecular graphics and visualization. I will discuss different approaches to visualizations of molecular structures as well as strategies for efficient display regarding image quality and frame rate. Moreover, I will introduce a taxonomy demonstrating which areas of visualization have been already extensively investigated and where the field is currently heading.
    Přednáška bude proslovena v úterý 2. května 2017 v posluchárně A217 od 12,30 hod.

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