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  • IBM Guest Lecture - Introduction to Quantum Computing

    Přednáška Introduction to Quantum Computing
    se uskuteční 12. června 2020, v čase od 14:00 do 16:00 hodin

    Jean-Michel Torres, Project Manager, IBM Quantum France Team Technical Expert

    About Jean-Michel:
    Since 1989, he had worked on multiple positions and job roles in IBM France, such as a large account technical support, the hardware manufacturing management, the supply chain projects, etc. He is PMP® certified since 2011. Jean-Michel joined Quantum Computing team in IBM in 2018. Follow Jean-Michel at Twitter: @jmit34.

    The Goal:
    The aim of the lecture is to introduce the participant to some of the main concepts of quantum programming - how to access and interact with IBM real quantum machines and how to go forward with IBM resources.

    1. General overview of IBM Quantum Computing
      • Where we are
      • IBM devices
      • Qiskit programming environment
      • Path to Quantum Advantage
      • IBM Quantum Network
    2. Quantum bit, quantum operators and quantum algorithm crash course
    3. Overview of resources, hands-on demo on IBM Quantum Experience
    4. Quick view on how to build and run a short quantum program with Python and Qiskit
    5. Q&A
    Webex Link to the session:

    K přednáškám využíváme služby Cisco Webex. Cisco Webex aplikaci si není nutné instalovat. Vzhledem k délce přednášek to však účastníkům doporučujeme. Instalace aplikace zajistí kvalitnější a stabilní obraz a spojení.