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  • Informatické kolokvium 1.10. Old and new challenges in coloring graphs with geometric representation

    Informatické kolokvium 1.10. 2019, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    Bartosz Walczak, Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Jagellonská
    univerzita, Krakov, Polsko
    Old and new challenges in coloring graphs with geometric representations
    Abstrakt: A central problem in graph theory is to compute or estimate the
    chromatic number of a graph, i.e., the minimum number of colors to be put on the
    vertices so that no two neighbors receive the same color. Being very hard in
    general, it has been considered for various restricted classes of graphs, in
    which the chromatic number remains in a tighter connection to the structure of
    the graph. This includes, in particular, classes of graphs defined on families
    of geometric objects: intersection graphs, disjointness graphs, visibility
    graphs, etc., motivated by various practical applications. In recent years, this
    area of research has seen remarkable progress which has led to many classical
    problems being solved and various new problems being raised. I will introduce
    the audience to these old and new problems, present some of the recent
    developments, and discuss connections to other areas, such as graph drawing and
    approximation algorithms.

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