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  • Informatické kolokvium 27. 3. Case studies in multimodal biomarker discovery

    Informatické kolokvium 27. 3. 2018, 14:00 posluchárna D2, přednáška se koná v
    rámci habilitačního řízení
    Ing. Vlad Popovici, M.Sc., Ph.D., PřF MU
    Abstrakt: High throughput genomic revolution started almost twenty years ago
    with the first in-house printed DNA chips. Since then, various technologies
    evolved, allowing the interrogation of the whole (human) genome, proteome,
    metabolome, etc., all producing large amounts of data. Bioinformatics tools and
    methods evolved to account for all these data modalities with the current
    bottleneck being the integration of these perspectives into a more comprehensive
    picture. In parallel and completely independent of bioinformatics, digital
    pathology also witnessed significant advances fuelled mostly by technological
    developments: slide scanners and computational infrastructure. However, both
    “classical” bioinformatics and digital pathology/bioimaging are often used to
    investigate the same biological phenomenon. It is, therefore, natural to attempt
    to combine these two seemingly incompatible fields with the hope of unveiling
    new connections between them. In this talk we will look at three examples of
    jointly mining the transcriptome and the histopathology images in the context of
    breast and colon cancers. We will also discuss the computational challenges one
    faces when working with these data.

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