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  • Přednáška pro odbornou veřejnost v rámci habilitačního řízení Ing. Pavla Čeledy, Ph.D.

    Ve středu 14. května 2014 od 11 hod proběhne v zasedací místnosti FI (B517)
    přednáška pro odbornou veřejnost v rámci habilitačního řízení Ing. Pavla Čeledy,
    Název přednášky:
    Traffic Analysis of Embedded Network Devices
    Abstrakt přednášky:
    Globally, the number of cyber-attacks is growing day by day. Since the Internet
    has no borders, these attacks threatening computer systems, networks, and
    critical infrastructure may come from anywhere and at any time. The security
    landscape is changing. Advanced persistent threats (malware, botnets and attack
    tools) are built to hide their presence and remain in the compromised networks
    for years providing access to them at any time. The cyber-attackers are adopting
    techniques to increase the costs of detecting these attacks.

    Any device connected to a network creates communication traces. The
    corresponding flow data may reveal malicious or abnormal network behavior. New
    malware variants are increasingly designed to exploit high-value targets. At the
    same time they are looking for new kinds of vulnerable devices. Cyber-attackers
    can compromise ADSL modems, Wi-Fi routers, set-top-boxes, and even high-end
    enterprise devices like backbone routers and firewalls. No anti-virus or
    anti-malware solution is available to protect such devices. New methods are
    required to detect attacks and infected devices in standard and critical
    infrastructure networks.

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