The visit from MIT Boston was enthusiastic
On January 25 and 26, 2024, we welcomed a visit from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. Specifically, we were visited by Professor Benoit Forget and a Ph.D. student, with whom Associate Professor Zdeněk Matěj (EmLab) and other students established cooperation.
The cooperation on the project is carried out within the framework of the International Science and Technology Initiatives – MISTI Global Seed Funds program. This program aims to unite scientists worldwide to overcome the distance barrier and collaborate on solutions to current global problems. The MISTI project is run in cooperation with the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Benoit Forget is a professor and head of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, which focuses, among other things, on nuclear fusion. And this collaboration is all about fusion research. During the visit, Professor Forget, Associate Professor Matej (EmLab), and the students discussed the whole project and the collaboration. Among our students, our Ph.D. student, Oldrich Pecák, will be working with MIT. The partnership will be in the field of accelerated Monte Carlo calculations using the tool developed at MIT OpenMC on FPGAs and graphics cards and verification of the results obtained by simulations on actual experiments on reactors and particle accelerators. Professor Forget commented on the meeting, saying that he was excited and very much looking forward to the collaboration and the results that will be achieved.
The cooperation with MIT continues after this visit. Our faculty plans to send a delegation to Boston twice this year to deepen the partnership and allow our students and faculty to experience the MIT environment and culture. We are also looking at developing collaborations that will enable our Ph.D. students to complete part of their studies or mandatory internships directly at MIT, which would be an invaluable experience for them.
Interestingly, Associate Professor Zdeněk Matěj will host a Neutron workshop for scientists and practitioners at our faculty. This event is an essential academic event, which could also feature Professor Benoit Forget, along with other personalities from foreign institutions (e.g., IAEA), but also from the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) or Brno University of Technology (BUT). This event will be another step towards strengthening international cooperation and knowledge sharing between academic and industrial circles.
We expect that the collaboration with MIT will lead to significant milestones in the field of fusion research and strengthen our faculty as a center of excellence in technological research and innovation.
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