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    Barbora Bühnová and Pavel Zezula from FI MU among the Top IT Personalities of 2021

    Computerworld magazine has traditionally prepared a special supplement with an overview of the TOP IT personalities of the past year. This year, 27 of them were selected, including two representatives of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University (FI MU).

    Barbora Bühnová, Vice-Dean of FI MU and co-founder of Czechitas, is a personality with an all-round contribution to the scientific community and IT education. Her activities include leading the Association of Industrial Partners of FI MU, coordinating FI MU activities for high school students, organizing global conferences in the field of critical infrastructures, participating in Czechitas activities to bring women and young people to IT, training lecturers and teaching techniques and approaches in the development of quality software solutions. She is the elected chair of the steering committee of the International Conference on Software Architecture, the world's most prestigious scientific conference in the field of software architectures, and a recipient of the MUNI Scientist 2021 award from Masaryk University.

    "Thanks to the recognition of my work by the global scientific community, I am part of a number of international teams with whom we are working on amazing scientific research that bridges many disciplines and communities, which I find fascinating. And through Czechitas, we are opening the doors to the world of IT to increasing proportion of our population, which is amazing!" praises Barbora Bühnová.

    Read the full Computerworld magazine article here (CZ only):


    Pavel Zezula, from the Department of Machine Learning and Data Processing at FI MU, researches and develops modern techniques for efficient data processing in the Data Oriented Systems and Applications Laboratory (DISA) with his team. His specific area of research is indexing large data and searching based on similarity between objects, the so-called similarity search. In practice, this method can be used in a number of areas - e.g. analysis of motion patterns, analysis of people based on biometric data or event detection.

    For several years, for example, DISA has been working with a children's clinic on a project in which doctors monitor children with movement disabilities, take measurements and monitor the success of the operations performed. Initially, expensive hardware systems were required to capture this data, but a few years ago techniques were developed to extract motion data from common videos. According to Pavel Zezula, this represents a huge revolution. "It makes it quite easy to get a huge quantum of data that you need to navigate quickly and find similarities." For doctors, it opens up the possibility to quickly and efficiently search through the data to find out whether the operation was successful and how to continue the treatment.

    Similarly, similarity searches may in the future help to identify individuals or groups who exhibit similar behaviours, contributing to the prevention of risky behaviours (examples include aggressive fans at sports matches).

    Read the full Computerworld magazine article here (CZ only):
