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Academic Senate

Faculty of Informatics


Senate meeting of Friday 14 June 2024

On Friday 14 June 2024, the inaugural meeting of the new FI Academic Senate for the term 23 May 2024 - 22 May 2027 took place.

The session was opened by the current President of the FI AS, doc. Vlastislav Dohnal, who nominated for the position of the new President of the Senate doc. The Student Chamber presented its chairman, Jakub Šárník, who also became the vice-chairman of the Senate. Doc. David Šafránek and Ondřej Hrdlička.

In the remainder of the meeting, the Senate approved the admission criteria for the academic year 2025/2026 for the Bachelor's programmes, for the Czech follow-up programmes and for Digital Linguistics, a joint programme of a consortium of three European universities, without any major comments. A larger discussion then took place on the newly allocated criteria for English follow-up programmes, which was eventually withdrawn by the Faculty management and will be presented at the next meeting.

More information can be found in the minutes of the meeting, and the specific wording of the approved criteria can be found in the annexes.

Senate meeting of Friday, May 3, 2024

At the meeting on Friday 3/5/2024, the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science presented a report on the activities and management of the Faculty, which included information on, for example, the number of students enrolled, the trend of articles in impacted journals and conferences, and the renovation of the FI campus.

The Chair of the Senate presented a report on the activities of the Academic Senate as of June 2023, followed by a brief discussion on the emerging changes to the FI AS election regulations.

Doc. Šafránek then introduced the newly emerging Bachelor's degree programme in Bioinformatics, which he will be the guarantor of, and which will replace the current focus in the Computer Science programme.

More information can be found in the minutes of the meeting or in its annexes.

About the Senate

The Academic Senate is the official body of the University self-government, consisting of elected representatives from among staff and students. Thus, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Informatics consists of the staff (8 members) and student chambers (4 members). The powers and duties of the Senate, defined in the Statute of the Faculty of Informatics, include:

  • approving the annual activity report and the annual report on the management of the Faculty, which are submitted by the Dean of the Faculty
  • approving the Dean's proposals on the conditions for admission to study in study programmes implemented at the Faculty
  • approval of the Dean's proposals on the amount of fees associated with studies
  • approval of the Dean's proposals for the appointment or dismissal of members of the Faculty's Scientific Board and Disciplinary Committee
  • the right to request an official statement from any member of the academic community

In addition to these powers, student senators have several informal opportunities: as representatives of the student community, they are well placed to discuss with the faculty administration, either when making their own proposals or when dealing with existing problems. Student senators also defend student interests, e.g. when a lecturer is suspected of acting in breach of the CBA.

More about the academic self-government


The Academic Senate can be contacted via the following group addresses:

FI Academic Senate
AS FI Student Chamber